Thanks that fixed most of the issues. Now the only problem I have is that
anything that was to show up for tomorrow through the rest of the month
don't show. They do in the Access 2000 app though.
Here is the current coding
SELECT StrConv([LName] & ", " & [FName] & IIf(IsNull([MI]),""," " & [MI] &
"."),3) AS Client, tblClient.SSN, tblClient.DOB,
IIf(IsNull([DOB]),"Unknown",CalcAgeString([DOB])) AS Age,
& " " & [CMLName]),3) AS CM, tblCSCs_LU.CMLName, tblClient.NextAssess,
IIf([NextAssess]<Date(),"OVERDUE","") AS OverDue
FROM tblCSCs_LU INNER JOIN tblClient ON tblCSCs_LU.CaseMgrID =
WHERE (((tblClient.NextAssess)<=Date()) AND ((tblClient.StatusID)=1) AND
((tblClient.CSCID)=[Forms]![frmReports]![cboCSC])) OR
= '<====== here
DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date()),1) And
AND ((tblClient.StatusID)=1) AND
The WHERE Clause is where I changed the information. So how can I get it
show all the due items for the rest of the month?
Allen Browne said:
Assuming NextAssess is a Date/Time type field, this condition probably is
the problem.
The Like operator performs a *string* comparision. The format of the string
is unreliable (depending on leading zeros, person's regional settings, etc),
so the string comparision will yield different results on different
machines. It is also very inefficient--unable to take advantage of any index
on the NextAccess field.
I think you are asking for any date in the current month? To do that as a
date comparsion, try something like this:
OR tblClient.NextAccess Between DateSerial(Year(Date()), Month(Date()),
And DateSerial(Year(Date()), Month(Date())+1,0)
You could also use:
Month(tblClient.NextAccess) = Month(Date())
AND Year(tblClient.NextAccess) = Year(Date())
This numeric comparison should be reliable, but is still inefficient (cannot
use the index.)
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
Chris said:
Here is the SQL query that is used.
SELECT StrConv([LName] & ", " & [FName] & IIf(IsNull([MI]),""," " &
[MI] &
"."),3) AS Client, tblClient.SSN, tblClient.DOB,
IIf(IsNull([DOB]),"Unknown",CalcAgeString([DOB])) AS Age,
& " " & [CMLName]),3) AS CM, tblCSCs_LU.CMLName, tblClient.NextAssess,
IIf([NextAssess]<Date(),"OVERDUE","") AS OverDue
FROM tblCSCs_LU INNER JOIN tblClient ON tblCSCs_LU.CaseMgrID =
WHERE (((tblClient.NextAssess)<=Date() Or (tblClient.NextAssess) Like
DatePart("m",Date()) & "/*/" & DatePart("yyyy",Date())) AND
((tblClient.StatusID)=1) AND
What is happening is in Access 2000 the result shows 7 records; in Access
2003 it shows 5 records. Not sure why the 2 are dropped. Not sure if
DatePart is the issue. HELP
I have an unusual problem. I have a DB that is split. It was created
originally in Access 2000. We are now a mixed house of 2000 and 2003.
The BE is on a server; wheras the MDB/MDE is on the users PC.
Here is the problem.
I have a report that runs that selects if a date is over due. In 2000 it
shows 7 records, in 2003 it shows 5 records. Now here is the funny part.
I have a test machine with XP OS and Access 2003 on it. It shows all 7
records. whereas I have a Technician build 50 others that is similar. The
report runs good on mine (7 records).
I am trying to determine where in his setup that is different then mind.
It's blowing my mind.
I can take the same MDB and place on my 2000 system, my 2003 system
and someone elses 2003 system. In the first 2 I get 7 records; in someone
elses I get 5 records.