problem with a hyperlink text box in a form


Paul Ponzelli

I'm having a problem with a text box in a form whose Control Source is a
table field that has a Hyperlink data type. The Hyperlink addresses are
paths to folders on our network drive. When you click on one of the
hyperlink records directly in a table or query, they work as intended - that
is, Wondows Explorer opens to the network folder designated as the Address
value of the hyperlink.

However, when I try to use the same Hyperlink field as the Control Source
for a text box in a form, the hyperlink doesn't open Windows Explorer. The
only thing that happens is that the display in the text box changes from the
hyperlink label to the full hyperlink address.

Can anyone tell me why this text box in the form is preventing the hyperlink
field value from operating as it does in the table? (I do have the "Is
Hyperlink" property of the form control set to "Yes").

Thanks in advance,



The IsHyperlink is ONLY there to display the hand when you put your cursor
over it. You need to add code in the click event of the text box to actually
open the hyperlink.

FollowHyperLink Me.YourTextBoxNameHere

Bob Larson
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Paul Ponzelli

FollowHyperLink works great.

Immediately after the FollowHyperLink line in the control's Enter event, I
used Me!FormName!ControlName.SetFocus to move the cursor to another control
to replace the hyperlink address in the control display with the hyperlink

Thanks for your help with this, Bob.


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