Problem with A2000 file on machine with both A2003 and A2007


Fred Boer


I have two Access 2000 format .mdb files which run fine on computers with
only Access 2003 installed (...I've tried two different computers), but when
I run the files using Access 2003 on a computer with both Access 2003 and
Access 2007 installed, (...again on two different computers), the files
open, appear to begin to run, and then they crash Access (i.e. "Access has
encountered a problem .. send error report...").

I have tried both starting Access 2003 first, and then opening the files
(i.e. File>Open...), as well as just double-clicking the .mdb file, which,
(depending on whether Access 2007 was the last version used) starts the
"re-installation" process for Access 2003 and runs the files. No difference.

If I set a break point I can step through the code successfully (using F8),
and I see the form being populated with data properly, but when I try to run
the code normally, boom!

The files I am dealing with (which are those I posted about recently...),
are available here:


Fred Boer

Please disregard...I believe I have resolved this through decompiling,
etc... New files will be uploaded this evening.

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