Problem with address book


Don Edmonds

Hi folks

I have


Mac OS X Version 10.4.5

Entourage 2004 for Mac Version 11.2.3

I sent a post about this problem earlier but the only response I got was
that it shouldn't happen.

I am attempting to send e-mails to a group that I have created. These
e-mails are a weekly newsletter

The e-mail to one of the people in the group was returned to me with the
message "unknown user" etc

I checked with the recipient.

He told me that he now had a new e-mail address.

I changed his address in my address book - deleting the old address

The following week I sent the group e-mail again - and received the same
response - as if it had gone to the "old" address.


I decided to delete the contact completely in the address book and delete
the group completely - and re enter the contact as a new contact then
recreate the group.

I did this - but the following week I got the same response.

So I decided to delete the group completely again, delete the contact, empty
the trash, rebuild my database, restart the computer, then create a new
contact and create a new group.

The following week I sent out my newsletter - once again it has bounced back
to me from the wrong address - this is an address that no longer appears
anywhere in my contacts or my group.

The recipient is not receiving the newsletter at his corrected address - and
there are other recipients who tell me that they are not receiving the
newsletter either.


I thought - one more time...

I deleted the group - deleted the contact - emptied the trash - restarted
the computer - rebuilt my database - recreated the contact - recreated the

BUT - the same thing is still happening!

The person's INCORRECT former address is (e-mail address removed)

His CORRECT address - as it appears in his contact and in the "Group" is
(e-mail address removed)

If I attempt to send an individual e-mail to him the correct e-mail address
comes up in the "To" box.

WHY, when I send an e-mail to the group does it persist in trying to go to
(e-mail address removed) - an address that I have deleted several times

This is the response I get - but I haven't tried contacting the "postmaster"
as it seems to me that the problem is that my computer is sending the e-mail
to the wrong recipient even though I have changed it!

"This is the Postfix program at host raweneprimaryschool.

I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be
be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below.

For further assistance, please send mail to <postmaster>

If you do so, please include this problem report. You can
delete your own text from the attached returned message.

The Postfix program

<[email protected]> (expanded from
<[email protected]>): unknown user: "admin"

Reporting-MTA: dns; raweneprimaryschool
X-Postfix-Queue-ID: 2C2AB340001
X-Postfix-Sender: rfc822; (e-mail address removed)
Arrival-Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 04:47:56 +1200 (NZST)

Final-Recipient: rfc822; (e-mail address removed)
Original-Recipient: rfc822; (e-mail address removed)
Action: failed
Status: 5.0.0
Diagnostic-Code: X-Postfix; unknown user: "admin"

From: Don Edmonds <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 12:26:59 +1200
To: Te Kohe <[email protected]>
Conversation: Te Kohe 6 attached
Subject: Te Kohe 6 attached

Don Edmonds
7 Rankin Street
Phone: 0-9-4053030
Mobile: 0-27-2568290"

Don Edmonds
7 Rankin Street
New Zealand

Barry Wainwright [MVP]

It looks like you are not sending to 'admin' as you suspected. The error
message indicates it is trying to reach 'admin' by means of an alias from
'postmaster'. Something is redirecting your mail to 'para' to 'postmaster' -
that must be happening at the recipients end. They either have an explicit
redirect against the 'para' address, or the postmaster address is being used
as a 'catch-all' for mail the is undeliverable for some reason (could be
spam filtering - I have some addresses that won't accept 'bcc' mail, which
is effectively how groups are sent if you have the 'don't show recipients'
box checked in the group).

Check with your recipient again, to make sure you have his address correct.
Then check you can send him a direct mail. If that works, try unchecking the
'don't show recipients' box in the group editing window.

Don Edmonds

Thanks Barry

I can send direct mail to my recipient.
BUT I think "don't show recipients" issue may have some relevance.

As I said in the earlier message (among all the detail) - I have also had a
problem in that some of the other recipients don't seem to have been
receiving the e-mails either - although the messages have not been returned
to me.

I have wondered if it has been just that they have not noticed the messages
among a lot of other stuff - but one reported that he found my message in
his junk mail folder.

I wondered about the fact that the addressees that seem to have been not
sure if they have been receiving my newsletter all took the form
"*****@*****" and thought that there may be an issue with
something at "".

From your comments it seems highly possible that "" has a spam
filter that does not like "bcc" as I do have that 'don't show recipients'
box checked in the group.

I'll uncheck that box when I send the newsletter next week - and hope.

Thanks again.

Don Edmonds
7 Rankin Street
New Zealand

Barry Wainwright [MVP]

It sounds like the most likely explanation - please report back and let us

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