problem with around of tables




Dear Sirs,

I have a question about my "Microsoft word", please
answer me if is Possible.

I create a table that around the table (left & right) is
text and in print preview show correctly but when I print
that, in the print, text isn't around table (removed
under table).

Please help me, what is the problem.

I wish best things and health for you.

Mehdi Ghanbari

Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi Mehdi,

My best guess is that there's a problem with the printer
driver. You might check with the manufacturer of your
printer if they're aware of this problem, and perhaps have
an updated version that will fix it.
I create a table that around the table (left & right) is
text and in print preview show correctly but when I print
that, in the print, text isn't around table (removed
under table).

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jan
24 2003)

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