problem with array display



Hello Guys,

I have this function:

Function mafunction(ByVal client As String) as variant

Dim beginofmonth, endofmonth, startdate, currentdate, todaydate,
DateAuthor As Date
Dim i, r As Integer
Dim value As Variant

todaydate = Date
startdate = "12/03/2004"
endofmonth = getendofmonth(startdate)

i = 0

currentdate = endofmonth

While DateDiff("m", currentdate, todaydate) > 0

currentdate = getnextday(currentdate)

If DateDiff("d", beginofmonth, currentdate) < 0 Then

value= Evaluate("na()") '
currentdate = beginofmonth

End If

Dim var(1000, 6) As Variant (here I have a problem )

DateAuthor = Date

r = 1

var(r, 0) = internalcode

var(r, 1) = currentdate

var(r, 2) = "ROOM"

var(r, 3) = "VACATION"

var(r, 4) = "COMMENTS"

var(r, 5) = DateAuthor

r = r + 1

currentdate = getnextendofmonth(currentdate)

mafunction = var ( I have a problem here)
End Function

'I would like to call my fuction from one sub


Sub test()

Dim ClientCode, Code As String

ClientCode = InputBox("Client Code", ClientCode)

Code = mafunction (ClientCode)

End Sub

I cannot display the array in my worksheet. I am newbie in vba
programming and I can not figure out where the problem is.


Tom Ogilvy

Sub test()

Dim ClientCode As Variant, Code As Variant

ClientCode = InputBox("Client Code", ClientCode)

Code = mafunction(ClientCode)
Range("A1:F1000") = Code

End Sub

Function mafunction(ByVal client As String) As Variant

Dim internalcode As Long
Dim beginofmonth As Date, endofmonth As Date
Dim startdate As Date, currentdate As Date
Dim todaydate As Date
Dim DateAuthor As Date
Dim i As Long, r As Long
Dim val1 As Variant
Dim var(1 To 1000, 1 To 6) As Variant

todaydate = Date
startdate = DateValue("12/03/2004")
endofmonth = getendofmonth(startdate)

r = 1
i = 0

currentdate = endofmonth

While DateDiff("m", currentdate, todaydate) > 0 And r <= 1000

currentdate = getnextday(currentdate)

' If DateDiff("d", beginofmonth, currentdate) < 0 Then

' val1 = CVErr(xlErrNA)
' currentdate = beginofmonth

' End If

internalcode = Int(Rnd() * 1000 + 1)

DateAuthor = Date

var(r, 1) = internalcode

var(r, 2) = currentdate

var(r, 3) = "ROOM"

var(r, 4) = "VACATION"

var(r, 5) = "COMMENTS"

var(r, 6) = DateAuthor

r = r + 1
currentdate = getendofmonth(currentdate)
' currentdate = getnextendofmonth(currentdate)

mafunction = var
End Function

Public Function getendofmonth(dt As Date) As Date
getendofmonth = DateSerial(Year(dt), Month(dt) + 1, 0)
End Function

Public Function getnextendofmonth(dt As Date) As Date
If dt = DateSerial(Year(dt), Month(dt) + 1, 0) Then
getnextendofmonth = DateSerial(Year(dt), Month(dt) + 1, 0)
getnextendofmonth = DateSerial(Year(dt), Month(dt) + 2, 0)
End If
End Function

Public Function getnextday(dt As Date) As Date
getnextday = dt + 1
End Function

Worked for me.

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