Problem with auto-name checking in OL2000


jake lee

OL2000 connected to fully updated Exchange 5.5

Every user, as far as I can tell, seems to have no problem with the
auto-name check feature except for one person.

I've made sure that Tools/Options/Email Options/Advanced Email Options/
Auto-name check box is checked, is.

When entering a name into the TO: field such as "bob b", the name never
resolves unless I do a manual "alt-K", and then it resolves perfectly, but
it must be done manually like this for it to do anything.

I've downloaded some kind of nickname cache cleanup utility and run it on
this person's computer, but nothing was shown to be in the cache, corrupt
names or otherwise, so nothing helpful there.

Any kind soul out there have any other suggestions that I might want to
check / try?

Thanks much in advance

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