Problem with bar widths



Hi all

I am trying to use a Chart(bar type) that I created in excel in Canvas software. The problem is the width of some of bars in my chart is different when I the copy my chart to Canvas and I cannot make them all equal in Canvas!!! How can I set the width of each element the same in excel so that I have all the bars with the same width in Canvas. Thank you in advance for your help.

Jon Peltier

The bars ought to be all the same. If you are sending a bitmap into
Canvas (I don't know how that program works) you may be getting a pixel
rounding problem. The way to get around this (I guess) would be to make
the chart larger, so a difference of one pixel either way is less
noticeable. Or can you import a metafile instead of a bitmap?

- Jon


Thanks for your response. I just copied and pasted that bar graph from excel to the canvas!! Even by looking at the bars in excel I can see that their widths are different so when I copy that chart to canvas the bar culomns have different widths!!

Jon Peltier

That's strange. I guess I'm supposed to say here, update your video
drivers, eh? (Just kidding)

- Jon


I wish using a macro I could set the width of all culomns the same and then move that chart to the Canvas.

Jon Peltier

The columns by definition are nominally the same, unless I don't
understand what you are charting. Could you send the chart to me? Make
a copy in an otherwise blank workbook to minimize bandwidth. Use my
email address (removing the capital letters); don't reply to the group.

- Jon


I just tried to get a chart from Xl to canvas
(german versions)
I cann't see any problem with barwidth, Itested it with differen
amounts of bars
but always ok


Jon Peltier

Mamad -

I've looked at your chart, and the problem is what I'd suspected. You
have a great many data points, so they are all pretty narrow. Excel
wants to make each column about 2.5 pixels wide. This means they really
alternate between 2 and 3 pixels in width. If a column is 2 pixels
wide, all you see is its border; if it's 3 pixels wide, you see the
border and a thin strip of color. This gives a great difference in
appearance. You could remove the border, or make it the same color as
the fill, and it would be less noticeable, or you could change the gap
width to a smaller number than 150% (even 0 seems to look better), or
you could try a line chart with small or no markers.

- Jon


Jon: Thanks a lot for your help. Eventually, I had to set the width of each of those 70 bars in the Canvas which was like a pain in the ... As an engineer with some experience in programming; to me it's very weird that we cannot set up the property of each element(in my problem those damn bars) in Excel using a Macro. On the other hand if that Canvas sofware was a little bit smarter and I was able to set the width of all bars at once I wouldn't have this problem and I wouldn't bother you!! Thanks anyway for your time and help.

Jon Peltier

Mamad -

Does Canvas work with vector graphics, or are you importing a bitmap?
If it accommodates vector graphics (metafiles), you might be able to do
this more easily using Copy Picture (hold Shift while selecting Copy
from the Edit menu), and choosing the On Screen and Picture options.

Or perhaps you could make the chart wider in Excel, export it, and
shrink it in Canvas.

- Jon

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