problem with CComPtr<outlook::_Application> value




I am facing a typical problem,in storing the application value. Here
what i have done. I am using VC++ 6.0

I have created ComAddin ,in that i have created CommandButton on
Inspector window. And in the Button event(click event) i am used to display
a dialog box.
Let us take ComAddin - class :CAddin
Interface :IAddin
For Dialog Box(which is derived from CAxDialogImpl) class --

i have created a Edit box and a Button on that Dialog. My Objective
is when that dialog button click event occurs, the text which is edit have
to append to the current mail(the mail is in HTML format). Actually this
functionality is implemented in that CAddin with in a method take as

in this ADD_Text method i used CComPtr<
Outlook::_Application>m_application variable and Active_Inspector to get
the current working Inspector windows. And useing this we can add the text
at the end the mail text. this task has been completed.

But when i call this method from CSample (dialog class) in button
click event by creating instance for CAddn class,it does not works. When i
researched for the cause. the application varianble(m_application) value
becomes null ,when that method calls from this CSample method.?

Here how can make it works, the CAddin method is called
from button click event of Dialog blass


RamakoteswaraRao Koti
Software Engineer,
Nannacomputers Pvt Ltd

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