Problem with cell Formatting


Om Prakash

Hi all,
I am facing a problem that is cell formatting.. I am using owc
spreadsheet. I am loading xml data into Spreadsheet.
I have some data like 11, 12, 13 it is automatically converted to date like
11/12/2013 and 11, 12 to dec/11
What could be the problem there.
When i am changing the cell numberformat to General then it is
automatically converted to some number like
11, 12, 13 ---> 41590. I want to display the data as it is.

If you have solution then please reply me back as soon as possible

Om Prakash

Josh Sale

If you're trying to put 11, 12, 13 all into one cell, try prefacing it with
a single quote (').


Om Prakash

Hi thanks for reply,
but what you suggest is a temproray solution, I what i need is, I want to
ddispaly my record as it is
the addtional things are not meaningful.
Can i disable automatic formating of OWC Spreadsheed Component

Om Prakash

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