Hans JEnsen
Hi Group
I cant change any colors in my graph ?
Please help!
<%@ language="vbscript" %>
Response.Buffer = TRUE
Response.ContentType= "image/gif"
Dim oChart, oConst, oSeries1, oSeries2, oSeries3, RS
Set oChart = CreateObject("OWC11.ChartSpace")
Set oConst = oChart.Constants
With oChart
.Charts(0).HasTitle = True
.Charts(0).HasLegend = True
.Charts(0).Legend.Position = oConst.chLegendPositionBottom
.Charts(0).Title.Caption = "Kompetenceområder – Alle - Medarbejdere"
.Charts(0).Type = oConst.chChartTypeRadarLine
End With
Dim fnt
set fnt = oChart.Charts(0).Title.Font
fnt.Name = "arial"
fnt.Size = 14
fnt.Bold = True
Set oSeries1 = oChart.Charts(0).SeriesCollection.Add
Set oSeries2 = oChart.Charts(0).SeriesCollection.Add
Set oSeries3 = oChart.Charts(0).SeriesCollection.Add
Dim tmpTopicsArr()
Dim tmpValueArr1()
Dim tmpValueArr2()
Dim tmpValueArr3()
Dim i, rsCount
Dim Session_MID
Dim Session_LID
Dim objQMark
Session_MID = Request.QueryString("SESSION_MID")
Session_LID = Request.QueryString("SESSION_LID")
Set objQMark = Server.CreateObject("WebApp.QMark")
Session_MID = 32975373
Session_LID = 11428190
Set RS = objQMark.GetAssesmentsAnswers(CDbl(Session_MID),
CDbl(Session_LID), 3)
rsCount = RS.RecordCount
Redim tmpTopicsArr(rsCount)
Redim tmpValueArr1(rsCount)
Redim tmpValueArr2(rsCount)
Redim tmpValueArr3(rsCount)
While Not RS.BOF And Not RS.EOF
i = i + 1
tmpTopicsArr(i) = Trim(RS("TOPIC"))
tmpValueArr1(i) = RS("SVAR_NU")
tmpValueArr2(i) = RS("SVAR_ANVENDELSE")
tmpValueArr3(i) = RS("SVAR_FREMTID")
With oSeries1
.Caption = "Kompetenceområder - Nu"
.SetData oConst.chDimCategories, oConst.chDataLiteral, tmpTopicsArr
.SetData oConst.chDimValues, oConst.chDataLiteral, tmpValueArr1
End With
With oSeries2
.Interior.Color = "red" ' <-------- NOT WORKING!
.Line.Color = "red" ' <-------- NOT WORKING!
.Caption = "Kompetenceområder - Anvendelse"
.SetData oConst.chDimCategories, oConst.chDataLiteral, tmpTopicsArr
.SetData oConst.chDimValues, oConst.chDataLiteral, tmpValueArr2
End With
With oSeries3
.Caption = "Kompetenceområder - Fremtid"
.SetData oConst.chDimCategories, oConst.chDataLiteral, tmpTopicsArr
.SetData oConst.chDimValues, oConst.chDataLiteral, tmpValueArr3
End With
Set objQMark = Nothing
Response.BinaryWrite oChart.GetPicture ("GIF", 600, 412)
I cant change any colors in my graph ?
Please help!
<%@ language="vbscript" %>
Response.Buffer = TRUE
Response.ContentType= "image/gif"
Dim oChart, oConst, oSeries1, oSeries2, oSeries3, RS
Set oChart = CreateObject("OWC11.ChartSpace")
Set oConst = oChart.Constants
With oChart
.Charts(0).HasTitle = True
.Charts(0).HasLegend = True
.Charts(0).Legend.Position = oConst.chLegendPositionBottom
.Charts(0).Title.Caption = "Kompetenceområder – Alle - Medarbejdere"
.Charts(0).Type = oConst.chChartTypeRadarLine
End With
Dim fnt
set fnt = oChart.Charts(0).Title.Font
fnt.Name = "arial"
fnt.Size = 14
fnt.Bold = True
Set oSeries1 = oChart.Charts(0).SeriesCollection.Add
Set oSeries2 = oChart.Charts(0).SeriesCollection.Add
Set oSeries3 = oChart.Charts(0).SeriesCollection.Add
Dim tmpTopicsArr()
Dim tmpValueArr1()
Dim tmpValueArr2()
Dim tmpValueArr3()
Dim i, rsCount
Dim Session_MID
Dim Session_LID
Dim objQMark
Session_MID = Request.QueryString("SESSION_MID")
Session_LID = Request.QueryString("SESSION_LID")
Set objQMark = Server.CreateObject("WebApp.QMark")
Session_MID = 32975373
Session_LID = 11428190
Set RS = objQMark.GetAssesmentsAnswers(CDbl(Session_MID),
CDbl(Session_LID), 3)
rsCount = RS.RecordCount
Redim tmpTopicsArr(rsCount)
Redim tmpValueArr1(rsCount)
Redim tmpValueArr2(rsCount)
Redim tmpValueArr3(rsCount)
While Not RS.BOF And Not RS.EOF
i = i + 1
tmpTopicsArr(i) = Trim(RS("TOPIC"))
tmpValueArr1(i) = RS("SVAR_NU")
tmpValueArr2(i) = RS("SVAR_ANVENDELSE")
tmpValueArr3(i) = RS("SVAR_FREMTID")
With oSeries1
.Caption = "Kompetenceområder - Nu"
.SetData oConst.chDimCategories, oConst.chDataLiteral, tmpTopicsArr
.SetData oConst.chDimValues, oConst.chDataLiteral, tmpValueArr1
End With
With oSeries2
.Interior.Color = "red" ' <-------- NOT WORKING!
.Line.Color = "red" ' <-------- NOT WORKING!
.Caption = "Kompetenceområder - Anvendelse"
.SetData oConst.chDimCategories, oConst.chDataLiteral, tmpTopicsArr
.SetData oConst.chDimValues, oConst.chDataLiteral, tmpValueArr2
End With
With oSeries3
.Caption = "Kompetenceområder - Fremtid"
.SetData oConst.chDimCategories, oConst.chDataLiteral, tmpTopicsArr
.SetData oConst.chDimValues, oConst.chDataLiteral, tmpValueArr3
End With
Set objQMark = Nothing
Response.BinaryWrite oChart.GetPicture ("GIF", 600, 412)