Problem with character set in Excel 2003 ?!



Firstly, I'm sorry if my english is not on appropriate level.
I am a new user in Excel and I'm competent only in graphical Exce
interface. I have a serious problem with my work with Excel 2003. I'
opening *.wk1 files (Lotus 1,2,3) without problems. This filetype is i
the list of Excel filetypes, so the window "Text import wizard" (whic
appear after opening an unknown file for Excel, like *.txt file fo
example) does not appear. These *.wk1 files were created in MS-DOS i
the past and were written on cyrillic alphabet, so they have differen
character set from the default in Windows. Afterward, once opened th
file, I can't find a way to change the character set and the symbol
are incorrectly decoded and unintelligible.
Please, help me to resolve my problem, no matter how. I just have t
read this documents in Excel:confused: .
Thank you in advance

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