OK. Someone else wrote this code and they are no longer here. I'm
| not very good with VBA, just trying to get this mess to work.
| I'll post the code at the bottom of this post.... but basically what
| it is SUPPOSED to do when the Macro is run in Outlook is ask the user
| for a range of dates and then ask them to pick an email folder to run
| the macro against. It then reads all the emails in the folder and the
| ones which match the date range criteria get dumped into an xls file
| with Columns Subject, sender, received date and message body. The
| xls file is then converted to a .htm file and it's done....
| what's it's NOT doing is formatting the Message Body column correctly
| in the final .htm file. it is displaying as one long line and is
| getting truncated after it reaches the limit for the column length.
| These are emails from our customers and we can't be truncating the
| message body!!!!
| anyway, what I've been having the user do is to run the Macro in
| Outlook (code below) and then edit the .htm output file (open it in
| excel) and run this macro against it to properly format it the cells:
| 'xls code to format MessageBody Column'
| Columns("D
| With Selection
| .HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral
| .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
| .WrapText = True
| .Orientation = 0
| .AddIndent = False
| .IndentLevel = 0
| .ShrinkToFit = False
| .ReadingOrder = xlContext
| .MergeCells = False
| End With
| Cells.Select
| Cells.EntireRow.AutoFit
| Range("A1").Select
| ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
| "\\OLTV.LOCAL\DFSShares\Stamford-Home\user\Book1.xls",
| FileFormat:= _ xlNormal, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="",
| ReadOnlyRecommended:=False _
| , CreateBackup:=False
| End Sub
| Seems to me that I should be able to elimate a step and incorporate
| the ABove code into the below code???? Can anyone help me out???????
| 'Outlook Macro Code'
| Dim strMessageBody As String
| Dim strAttachment As String
| Dim dtStartDate As Date
| Dim dtEndDate As Date
| Dim globalRowCount As Long
| Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
| Dim xlBook As Excel.Workbook
| Dim xlSheet As Excel.Worksheet
| Option Explicit
| Sub Export()
| Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
| Dim olSession As Outlook.NameSpace
| Dim olStartFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
| Dim olDestFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
| Dim strprompt As String
| Dim recipient As String
| Dim localRowCount As Integer
| Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
| 'Initialize count of folders searched
| globalRowCount = 1
| ' Get a reference to the Outlook application and session.
| Set olApp = Application
| Set olSession = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
| ' Allow the user to input the start date
| strprompt = "Enter the start date to search from:"
| dtStartDate = InputBox(strprompt, "Start Date", Now() - 7)
| ' Allow the user to input the end date
| strprompt = "Enter the end date to search to:"
| dtEndDate = InputBox(strprompt, "End Date", Now())
| ' UserForm1.Show
| If (IsNull(dtStartDate) <> 1) And (IsNull(dtEndDate) <> 1) Then
| ' Allow the user to pick the folder in which to start the search.
| MsgBox ("Pick the source folder (Feedback)")
| Set olStartFolder = olSession.PickFolder
| ' Check to make sure user didn't cancel PickFolder dialog.
| If Not (olStartFolder Is Nothing) Then
| ' Start the search process.
| ProcessFolder olStartFolder
| MsgBox CStr(globalRowCount) & " messages were found."
| End If
| xlApp.Quit
| ' strprompt = "Enter the recipient of the .html attachment in
| (e-mail address removed) format: "
| ' recipient = InputBox(strprompt, "Recipient's email",
| "(e-mail address removed)")
| ' DTSMailer strMessageBody, strAttachment
| ' DTSMailer commented out b/c no DTS package reference available on
| Geeta's machine.
| ' MsgBox "Email sent to " & recipient
| MsgBox "Process is complete. Check K:\feedback\htm\ for available
| files."
| End If
| End Sub
| Sub ProcessFolder(CurrentFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder)
| Dim i As Long
| Dim ValidEmails As Long
| ValidEmails = 0
| For i = CurrentFolder.Items.Count To 1 Step -1
| If ((CurrentFolder.Items(i).ReceivedTime >= dtStartDate) And
| (CurrentFolder.Items(i).ReceivedTime < dtEndDate)) Then
| ValidEmails = ValidEmails + 1
| End If
| Next
| If CurrentFolder.Items.Count >= 1 And ValidEmails >= 1 Then
| Dim localRowCount As Integer
| Dim xlName As String
| Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
| Set xlSheet = xlBook.Worksheets(1)
| localRowCount = 1
| xlName = CStr(Format(dtStartDate, "MMDDYYYY")) & "_" &
| CurrentFolder.Name & "_feedback"
| xlSheet.Cells(localRowCount, 1) = "SUBJECT"
| xlSheet.Cells(localRowCount, 2) = "SENDER"
| xlSheet.Cells(localRowCount, 3) = "RECEIVED DATE"
| xlSheet.Cells(localRowCount, 4) = "MESSAGE BODY"
| ' Late bind this object variable,
| ' since it could be various item types
| Dim olTempItem As Object
| Dim olNewFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
| ' Loop through the items in the current folder.
| ' Looping through backwards in case items are to be deleted,
| ' as this is the proper way to delete items in a collection.
| For i = CurrentFolder.Items.Count To 1 Step -1
| Set olTempItem = CurrentFolder.Items(i)
| ' Check to see if a match is found
| If ((olTempItem.ReceivedTime >= dtStartDate) And
| (olTempItem.ReceivedTime < dtEndDate)) Then
| localRowCount = localRowCount + 1
| globalRowCount = globalRowCount + 1
| xlSheet.Cells(localRowCount, 1) = olTempItem.Subject
| xlSheet.Cells(localRowCount, 2) =
| olTempItem.SenderEmailAddress xlSheet.Cells(localRowCount,
| 3) =
| CStr(Format(olTempItem.ReceivedTime, "MM/DD/YYYY"))
| ' Added this row of Code 4/3/06 jmr
| xlSheet.Cells(localRowCount, 4) =
| WorksheetFunction.Clean(olTempItem.Body)
| ' xlSheet.Cells(localRowCount, 4) =
| Replace(Replace(Replace(olTempItem.Body, Chr(9), " "), Chr(10) &
| Chr(10), Chr(10)), Chr(13), "")
| End If
| Next
| readability_and_HTML_export
| xlBook.SaveAs ("\\stm-fs1\marketing-shared\feedback\xls\" & xlName &
| ".xls")
| ActiveWorkbook.PublishObjects.Add( _
| SourceType:=xlSourceSheet, _
| FileName:="\\stm-fs1\marketing-shared\feedback\htm\" & xlName &
| ".htm", _ Sheet:="Sheet1", _
| Source:="", _
| HtmlType:=xlHtmlStatic).Publish
| ' strAttachment = strAttachment &
| "\\stm-fs1\finapps\dynamics\feedback\" & xlName & ".htm; "
| xlBook.Save
| xlBook.Close
| End If
| ' New temp code - 040406
| ' Loop through and search each subfolder of the current folder.
| For Each olNewFolder In CurrentFolder.Folders
| Select Case olNewFolder.Name
| Case "Deleted Items", "Drafts", "Export", "Junk E - mail", "Notes"
| Case "Outbox", "Sent Items", "Search Folders", "Calendar", "Inbox"
| Case "Contacts", "Journal", "Shortcuts", "Tasks", "Folder Lists"
| Case Else
| ProcessFolder olNewFolder
| End Select
| Next olNewFolder
| ' The next five lines are the original code
| ' Loop through and search each subfolder of the current folder.
| ' For Each olNewFolder In CurrentFolder.Folders
| ' If olNewFolder.Name <> "Deleted Items" And olNewFolder.Name <>
| "Drafts" And olNewFolder.Name <> "Export" And olNewFolder.Name <>
| "Junk E - mail" And olNewFolder.Name <> "Outbox" And olNewFolder.Name
| <> "Sent Items" And olNewFolder.Name <> "Search Folders" And
| olNewFolder.Name <> "Calendar" And olNewFolder.Name <> "Contacts" And
| olNewFolder.Name <> "Notes" And olNewFolder.Name <> "Journal" And
| olNewFolder.Name <> "Shortcuts" And olNewFolder.Name <> "Tasks" And
| olNewFolder.Name <> "Folder Lists" And olNewFolder.Name <> "Inbox"
| Then
| ' ProcessFolder olNewFolder
| ' End If
| ' Next
| End Sub
| Private Sub readability_and_HTML_export()
| '
| ' readability_and_HTML_export Macro
| '
| Cells.Select
| Cells.EntireColumn.AutoFit
| Cells.EntireRow.AutoFit
| Columns("A:A").ColumnWidth = 32
| ' Range("A1").Select
| ' Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
| ' Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
| Cells.Select
| With Selection
| .HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral
| .VerticalAlignment = xlTop
| .Orientation = 0
| .AddIndent = False
| .IndentLevel = 0
| .ShrinkToFit = False
| .ReadingOrder = xlContext
| .MergeCells = False
| End With
| Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
| Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
| Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone
| Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlNone
| Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlNone
| Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone
| With Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical)
| .LineStyle = xlContinuous
| .Weight = xlThin
| .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
| End With
| With Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal)
| .LineStyle = xlContinuous
| .Weight = xlThin
| .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
| End With
| Range("A1
| With Selection.Interior
| .ColorIndex = 37
| .Pattern = xlSolid
| End With
| Selection.Font.Bold = True
| Columns("C:C").Select
| With Selection
| .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
| .WrapText = False
| .Orientation = 0
| .AddIndent = False
| .IndentLevel = 0
| .ShrinkToFit = False
| .ReadingOrder = xlContext
| .MergeCells = False
| End With
| If Columns("D
").ColumnWidth < 80 Then
| Columns("D
").ColumnWidth = 80
| End If
| If Columns("B:B").ColumnWidth > 40 Then
| Columns("B:B").ColumnWidth = 40
| End If
| End Sub
| 'Private Sub DTSMailer(messagebody As String, attachmentstring As
| String) Private Sub DTSMailer()
| Dim oPKG As New DTS.Package
| oPKG.LoadFromSQLServer "SQLServer", , , _
| DTSSQLStgFlag_UseTrustedConnection, , , , "Feedback_Mailer"
| oPKG.FailOnError = True
| ' oPKG.GlobalVariables.Item("messagebody") = messagebody
| ' oPKG.GlobalVariables.Item("attachmentstring") = attachmentstring
| oPKG.Execute
| oPKG.UnInitialize
| Set oPKG = Nothing
| End Sub
| not very good with VBA, just trying to get this mess to work.
| I'll post the code at the bottom of this post.... but basically what
| it is SUPPOSED to do when the Macro is run in Outlook is ask the user
| for a range of dates and then ask them to pick an email folder to run
| the macro against. It then reads all the emails in the folder and the
| ones which match the date range criteria get dumped into an xls file
| with Columns Subject, sender, received date and message body. The
| xls file is then converted to a .htm file and it's done....
| what's it's NOT doing is formatting the Message Body column correctly
| in the final .htm file. it is displaying as one long line and is
| getting truncated after it reaches the limit for the column length.
| These are emails from our customers and we can't be truncating the
| message body!!!!
| anyway, what I've been having the user do is to run the Macro in
| Outlook (code below) and then edit the .htm output file (open it in
| excel) and run this macro against it to properly format it the cells:
| 'xls code to format MessageBody Column'
| Columns("D
| With Selection
| .HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral
| .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
| .WrapText = True
| .Orientation = 0
| .AddIndent = False
| .IndentLevel = 0
| .ShrinkToFit = False
| .ReadingOrder = xlContext
| .MergeCells = False
| End With
| Cells.Select
| Cells.EntireRow.AutoFit
| Range("A1").Select
| ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
| "\\OLTV.LOCAL\DFSShares\Stamford-Home\user\Book1.xls",
| FileFormat:= _ xlNormal, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="",
| ReadOnlyRecommended:=False _
| , CreateBackup:=False
| End Sub
| Seems to me that I should be able to elimate a step and incorporate
| the ABove code into the below code???? Can anyone help me out???????
| 'Outlook Macro Code'
| Dim strMessageBody As String
| Dim strAttachment As String
| Dim dtStartDate As Date
| Dim dtEndDate As Date
| Dim globalRowCount As Long
| Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
| Dim xlBook As Excel.Workbook
| Dim xlSheet As Excel.Worksheet
| Option Explicit
| Sub Export()
| Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
| Dim olSession As Outlook.NameSpace
| Dim olStartFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
| Dim olDestFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
| Dim strprompt As String
| Dim recipient As String
| Dim localRowCount As Integer
| Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
| 'Initialize count of folders searched
| globalRowCount = 1
| ' Get a reference to the Outlook application and session.
| Set olApp = Application
| Set olSession = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
| ' Allow the user to input the start date
| strprompt = "Enter the start date to search from:"
| dtStartDate = InputBox(strprompt, "Start Date", Now() - 7)
| ' Allow the user to input the end date
| strprompt = "Enter the end date to search to:"
| dtEndDate = InputBox(strprompt, "End Date", Now())
| ' UserForm1.Show
| If (IsNull(dtStartDate) <> 1) And (IsNull(dtEndDate) <> 1) Then
| ' Allow the user to pick the folder in which to start the search.
| MsgBox ("Pick the source folder (Feedback)")
| Set olStartFolder = olSession.PickFolder
| ' Check to make sure user didn't cancel PickFolder dialog.
| If Not (olStartFolder Is Nothing) Then
| ' Start the search process.
| ProcessFolder olStartFolder
| MsgBox CStr(globalRowCount) & " messages were found."
| End If
| xlApp.Quit
| ' strprompt = "Enter the recipient of the .html attachment in
| (e-mail address removed) format: "
| ' recipient = InputBox(strprompt, "Recipient's email",
| "(e-mail address removed)")
| ' DTSMailer strMessageBody, strAttachment
| ' DTSMailer commented out b/c no DTS package reference available on
| Geeta's machine.
| ' MsgBox "Email sent to " & recipient
| MsgBox "Process is complete. Check K:\feedback\htm\ for available
| files."
| End If
| End Sub
| Sub ProcessFolder(CurrentFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder)
| Dim i As Long
| Dim ValidEmails As Long
| ValidEmails = 0
| For i = CurrentFolder.Items.Count To 1 Step -1
| If ((CurrentFolder.Items(i).ReceivedTime >= dtStartDate) And
| (CurrentFolder.Items(i).ReceivedTime < dtEndDate)) Then
| ValidEmails = ValidEmails + 1
| End If
| Next
| If CurrentFolder.Items.Count >= 1 And ValidEmails >= 1 Then
| Dim localRowCount As Integer
| Dim xlName As String
| Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
| Set xlSheet = xlBook.Worksheets(1)
| localRowCount = 1
| xlName = CStr(Format(dtStartDate, "MMDDYYYY")) & "_" &
| CurrentFolder.Name & "_feedback"
| xlSheet.Cells(localRowCount, 1) = "SUBJECT"
| xlSheet.Cells(localRowCount, 2) = "SENDER"
| xlSheet.Cells(localRowCount, 3) = "RECEIVED DATE"
| xlSheet.Cells(localRowCount, 4) = "MESSAGE BODY"
| ' Late bind this object variable,
| ' since it could be various item types
| Dim olTempItem As Object
| Dim olNewFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
| ' Loop through the items in the current folder.
| ' Looping through backwards in case items are to be deleted,
| ' as this is the proper way to delete items in a collection.
| For i = CurrentFolder.Items.Count To 1 Step -1
| Set olTempItem = CurrentFolder.Items(i)
| ' Check to see if a match is found
| If ((olTempItem.ReceivedTime >= dtStartDate) And
| (olTempItem.ReceivedTime < dtEndDate)) Then
| localRowCount = localRowCount + 1
| globalRowCount = globalRowCount + 1
| xlSheet.Cells(localRowCount, 1) = olTempItem.Subject
| xlSheet.Cells(localRowCount, 2) =
| olTempItem.SenderEmailAddress xlSheet.Cells(localRowCount,
| 3) =
| CStr(Format(olTempItem.ReceivedTime, "MM/DD/YYYY"))
| ' Added this row of Code 4/3/06 jmr
| xlSheet.Cells(localRowCount, 4) =
| WorksheetFunction.Clean(olTempItem.Body)
| ' xlSheet.Cells(localRowCount, 4) =
| Replace(Replace(Replace(olTempItem.Body, Chr(9), " "), Chr(10) &
| Chr(10), Chr(10)), Chr(13), "")
| End If
| Next
| readability_and_HTML_export
| xlBook.SaveAs ("\\stm-fs1\marketing-shared\feedback\xls\" & xlName &
| ".xls")
| ActiveWorkbook.PublishObjects.Add( _
| SourceType:=xlSourceSheet, _
| FileName:="\\stm-fs1\marketing-shared\feedback\htm\" & xlName &
| ".htm", _ Sheet:="Sheet1", _
| Source:="", _
| HtmlType:=xlHtmlStatic).Publish
| ' strAttachment = strAttachment &
| "\\stm-fs1\finapps\dynamics\feedback\" & xlName & ".htm; "
| xlBook.Save
| xlBook.Close
| End If
| ' New temp code - 040406
| ' Loop through and search each subfolder of the current folder.
| For Each olNewFolder In CurrentFolder.Folders
| Select Case olNewFolder.Name
| Case "Deleted Items", "Drafts", "Export", "Junk E - mail", "Notes"
| Case "Outbox", "Sent Items", "Search Folders", "Calendar", "Inbox"
| Case "Contacts", "Journal", "Shortcuts", "Tasks", "Folder Lists"
| Case Else
| ProcessFolder olNewFolder
| End Select
| Next olNewFolder
| ' The next five lines are the original code
| ' Loop through and search each subfolder of the current folder.
| ' For Each olNewFolder In CurrentFolder.Folders
| ' If olNewFolder.Name <> "Deleted Items" And olNewFolder.Name <>
| "Drafts" And olNewFolder.Name <> "Export" And olNewFolder.Name <>
| "Junk E - mail" And olNewFolder.Name <> "Outbox" And olNewFolder.Name
| <> "Sent Items" And olNewFolder.Name <> "Search Folders" And
| olNewFolder.Name <> "Calendar" And olNewFolder.Name <> "Contacts" And
| olNewFolder.Name <> "Notes" And olNewFolder.Name <> "Journal" And
| olNewFolder.Name <> "Shortcuts" And olNewFolder.Name <> "Tasks" And
| olNewFolder.Name <> "Folder Lists" And olNewFolder.Name <> "Inbox"
| Then
| ' ProcessFolder olNewFolder
| ' End If
| ' Next
| End Sub
| Private Sub readability_and_HTML_export()
| '
| ' readability_and_HTML_export Macro
| '
| Cells.Select
| Cells.EntireColumn.AutoFit
| Cells.EntireRow.AutoFit
| Columns("A:A").ColumnWidth = 32
| ' Range("A1").Select
| ' Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
| ' Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
| Cells.Select
| With Selection
| .HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral
| .VerticalAlignment = xlTop
| .Orientation = 0
| .AddIndent = False
| .IndentLevel = 0
| .ShrinkToFit = False
| .ReadingOrder = xlContext
| .MergeCells = False
| End With
| Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
| Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
| Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone
| Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlNone
| Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlNone
| Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone
| With Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical)
| .LineStyle = xlContinuous
| .Weight = xlThin
| .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
| End With
| With Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal)
| .LineStyle = xlContinuous
| .Weight = xlThin
| .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
| End With
| Range("A1
| With Selection.Interior
| .ColorIndex = 37
| .Pattern = xlSolid
| End With
| Selection.Font.Bold = True
| Columns("C:C").Select
| With Selection
| .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
| .WrapText = False
| .Orientation = 0
| .AddIndent = False
| .IndentLevel = 0
| .ShrinkToFit = False
| .ReadingOrder = xlContext
| .MergeCells = False
| End With
| If Columns("D
| Columns("D
| End If
| If Columns("B:B").ColumnWidth > 40 Then
| Columns("B:B").ColumnWidth = 40
| End If
| End Sub
| 'Private Sub DTSMailer(messagebody As String, attachmentstring As
| String) Private Sub DTSMailer()
| Dim oPKG As New DTS.Package
| oPKG.LoadFromSQLServer "SQLServer", , , _
| DTSSQLStgFlag_UseTrustedConnection, , , , "Feedback_Mailer"
| oPKG.FailOnError = True
| ' oPKG.GlobalVariables.Item("messagebody") = messagebody
| ' oPKG.GlobalVariables.Item("attachmentstring") = attachmentstring
| oPKG.Execute
| oPKG.UnInitialize
| Set oPKG = Nothing
| End Sub