problem with company logo printout




I seem to have a strange problem with my office 2003 and Windows 2000 OS.
When I printout my old documents with the company logo, it sqeeses two logos
on top of each other where the two logos together have the same size as one
original logo. This problem does nog happen when the OS is XP . When I
reimport the logo than the document is also ok.

Does anyone have a clue of the problem.
I also tried it with different printers - printerdrivers on usb an
parallel... all the same problem...

Thanks fo ay reply!!!


Stephen Knapp


Did you recently upgrade either Windows or Office? I'm thinking that
the old documents that you refer to are the culprits, not the computer
software. They may have had two logos actually copied one-on-top of the
other and only when you started using them with Office 2003 are you seeing
the issue. By the way, the operating system probably has nothing to do with
the phenomenon.

(When you are finished with this correspondence thread, click the YES or NO
button on your original posting to close the discussion. Or, go to your
profile and close the thread from there – Steve.)


Thanks for your input Stephen.

I looked at the old documents but there is only one logo
imported. When I print this document on my computer with XP and office 2003,
it's perfect ... no problem .. I can't believe that I'm the only one with
this problem .. I got the problem on every W2K workstation and on the W2K
terminal server and I realy don't want to downgrade my office or update all
workstations to XP for now...


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