Problem with conditional calculation in a table


Tom Stanley

I have an invoice that I want to create a conditional expression to display nothing on a zero result. The result is displayed in a Text Form Field (Type = Calculation, Maximum Length = Unlimited, Number Format = nothing, Bookmark = Text2, Calculate on Exit is Checked) Expression is as follows { IF {Quantity_1} > 0 { = {Quantity_1} * {Price_1} \# $#,##0.00; } "" }

My problem is that when I protect the document and enter in info for Quantity_1 and Price_1 the result will not calculate and display. Both Quantity_1 and Price_1 are Number type Form Fields with Default numbers of 0. This one is driving me nuts and it's probably just a simple syntax error, but I can't seem to find the solution.........

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Suzanne S. Barnhill

I may be off the mark, but I don't think you need to have this field in a
text form field. What you do need for IF fields in a protected form,
however, is to use REF fields for your bookmarks:

{ IF { REF Quantity_1 } > 0 { = { REF Quantity_1 } * { REF Price_1 } \#
$#,##0.00; } }

You can omit the final "" since the FalseText is never required when it is
to be blank.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA


Hi Tom,

Instead of a calculation formfield, you could use a formula field coded as:
{=Quantity_1*Price_1 \# "$,0.00;;"}

[Microsoft MVP - Word]

in message

Tom Stanley

Both Solutions worked.......Too bad the Word help documentation doesn't cover this subject a little better

Thanks Again,

Tom Stanley

macropod wrote:

Re: Problem with conditional calculation in a table

Hi Tom,

Instead of a calculation formfield, you could use a formula field coded as:
{=Quantity_1*Price_1 \# "$,0.00;;"}

[Microsoft MVP - Word]

in message
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