problem with Database Interface Wizard


Andrew Murray

I have set up the Interface wizard with the Submission form and the Edit/Delete

I can't edit and save a record - it returns an error:

"Database Results Error The operation failed. If this continues, please contact
your server administrator."

I believe this is because it seems the files in _fpclass folder like fpdbform,
fpdbregion and fpdblib are not being published - since they are hidden folders
and files I can't select them to publish individually, must I do a full publish
to get all require files such as those on the web site? How can I select these to
publish them individually - if I

Up til now I have just published pages by "publish selected pages" rather than a
full publish of everything - would that fix the problem?

THe page in question:

this is going to be a password list and users - the data in the database is junk;
test data only.....

if you go to daatabase editor and try ot either delete a record or modify and
save a record the above error comes up.

Any suggestions?

2002 Frontpage Extensions are installed and working and ASP is enabled on the
Windows NT/2000 server.


Andrew Murray
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Thomas A. Rowe

You need to do a complete publish of the root web, unless this is subweb/site, in which just do a
complete publish of it, so that FP can set up the fpdb folder and set the correct permissions on
that folder and the database, as well as add the global.asa file to the root.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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