problem with date format when merging



Today I was using a merge file set up in excel and merging to a Word

In the finished Word document all the dates of birth had been altered from
the dd/mm/yyyy format which we use here in New Zealand, to mm/dd/yyyy.

No matter what I did it persisted in changing them round. I have never run
up against this problem before, has anyone any ideas of how I can fix it?

We are running Windows 2000 Prof, Office 2003.
Can you please reply to the group? Many thanks

Dave Peterson

Debra Dalgleish posted this for a different question:

In the Mail Merge, after you select your Excel file as a data source,
you should see a 'Confirm Data Source' dialog box.
(If you don't see the dialog box, change the setting in Word --
under Tools>Options, General -- add a check mark to
'Confirm Conversion at Open')

From that list, choose 'MS Excel Worksheets via DDE (*.xls)', and your
formatting will be retained.

If you have to connect through a different source, you can format the
fields in the Word document. For example, to specify a number of decimals:

1. In Word, in the Main Document, press Alt+F9 to view the field codes.
2. Find the field code for the number. It will look something like:
{ MERGEFIELD FieldName }
3. Add a switch, to format the number with two decimal places.
For example:
{ MERGEFIELD FieldName \# "#,##0.00" }
4. Press Alt+F9 to hide the field codes.
5. Save the Main Document

(I bet you could modify it for your situation.)


Thank you for your answer Dave, I have printed it off to try. I found a
work-round (after typing 165 birthdates in by hand!) by changing the date
format from slashes to dots; 15/08/95 to 15.08.95 the merge worked and the
date stayed in, what is for us, the correct configuration.

Thank you again

Dave Peterson

Another not so nice (but easier than what you did) way:

Use another column and a formula:

(or any format you like)
This field would be treated as text--not a date.

And use that column in your merge.


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