Problem with Excel 2007


Jim Peterson

Hi everyone and thanks in advance for any help you can offer. It seems I can
always find someone on here with the answer I need.

I am using XP Pro and Office 2007.

I'm not sure how to describe my problem, but here goes:

I have built a template and saved it as an .xlts file. It appears in the "My
Templates" box when I ask for it. The template has three or four colums for
dates, a couple of columns for amounts (currency) and some general columns. I
have formatted all cells appropriate for their type of data. Additionally, I
hav a couple of columns that are filled with color full length as they define
some borders. I use a separate page for each customer's information.

If I open the template as a new workbook it opens OK and everything is as I
have saved it as a template.

However (here's the problem), when I attempt to insert the template page
into an existing workbook the page will insert and open OK, but a lot of the
formatting is missing or has mysteriously been replaced by formatting I
didn't select and don't want. Some of the columns that have color fill will
only be partially filled with some cells left white. I had formatted all date
cells as xx/xx/xx, but many of them are now formatted as x/xx/xxxx.

Again, if I start a new workbook with the template, the initial template
page is OK. But any time I try to "Insert" the template page into an existing
workbook, or even into the new workbook I just started with the same
template, the formatting goofs up.

This is a real mind blower. I've never had Excel do anything like this before.

Any ideas anybody?


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