Problem with Excel grid (XL07)



Since upgrading to XL07, i have the following problem. Often, when i scroll
the grid, a section of it erases, mabye a quarter or a third, say. A
sectoon of the worksheet disappears, all the content, and the gridlines. If
i scroll that region off the screen and then back, it reappears fine. It
happens often. Maybe a few times an hour. This NEVER happened, on same PC,
with XL03.

This is REALLY SUPER ANNOYING. As i say, i can get the stuff back by
scrolling down and then back up. But, to have to do it so often is
becomming super-annoying.

Has anybody else experienced this upon upgrade to XL07?

And, more importantly, any ideas on what i can do about it? Swearing at the
screen is getting tedious (and does not seem solve the problem; too bad, if
swearing solved it, it would be no problem at all).



Thanks for the response. But, very distressing that MSFT has not posted any
solution or fix. I guess its somewhat comforting to know i'm not alone.
But, of course it doesn't solve the issue.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP (OneNote)

Have you tried checking to be sure you have the latest video drivers?
Also have you tried tweaking your video settings to see if any of that

Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower

Thanks for the response. But, very distressing that MSFT has not posted any
solution or fix. I guess its somewhat comforting to know i'm not alone.
But, of course it doesn't solve the issue.

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