problem with fetching data from excel




I defined a table in excel with only on row containing the headertext of the
datafields of a detailsview.
My problem is that when i get the data from excel, the content of cells
containing a long string (e.g. 80 characters or more) is cut to 64.

Why, and is there a way to get the whole content of the cell?

My code:
sql = "select * from mytable;"
'(get all the headertext values from excel)
comd = New OleDbCommand(sql, oConnection)
Dim nfield As Integer
dtreader = comd.ExecuteReader
nfield = dtreader.FieldCount
'(number of cells in the row in excel = number of fields in detailsview)
For i = 1 To nfield
DetailsView1.Fields(i - 1).HeaderText = dtreader.GetName(i - 1)
'(put the value coming from excel into the headertext of the detailsview)

Thanks for helping

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