problem with footnote reference



When I copy a Word 2003 text with many footnotes in another Word 2003 file,
the foot-notes references are not anymore in superscript but appear as
'normal' text. I cannot explain why and it takes a long time to put each of
them back in superscript. I could not find a way to do this with find and
Any tip ?


Many thanks for your answer. In the meantime I solved the problem. How it
happened may be of interest to Microsoft.
When I tried to find the footnote references (through Find and Replace) WORD
2003 did not recognize any (they were not superscript).
But when I highlighted any one, it was recognized as a footnote reference.
Then it was easy to let WORD find all instances and set the in superscript.
Isn't it strange ?

Stefan Blom

Well, the Footnote Reference style is applied to all footnote numbers
(unless you clear it), which explains why selecting all instances worked for

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

ab2002 said:
Many thanks for your answer. In the meantime I solved the problem. How it
happened may be of interest to Microsoft.
When I tried to find the footnote references (through Find and Replace)
2003 did not recognize any (they were not superscript).
But when I highlighted any one, it was recognized as a footnote reference.
Then it was easy to let WORD find all instances and set the in
Isn't it strange ?

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