Problem with IF statement



I have a custom property Sex. Type 1, Format is M. F.

I want to change the line color to blue or pink, so in Line Format I have:


It doesn't work!!
what is the problem?



Never mind; I found out that I should have used:

=IF(Prop.Sex=0,4,RGB(218,80,176)), since the relevant factor is not the name
of the listed factors but their index no.


Chris Roth [MVP]


All strings are 0. This probably won't work either.

Usually, you want to use the semicolon for your format list

Prop.Sex.Format = "M;F"

And you need to use the LOOKUP function to figure out what's been selected:

User.isM =( LOOKUP(Prop.Sex,Prop.Sex.Format,",") = 0 )

Ie: is the 0th item selected. ...=1 to check for "F" instead.

The "," argument is optional and specifies the list-separator. If you use
the ";", then you don't need to specify the separator.

Also, check out the STRSAME function...

Hope this helps,

Chris Roth
Visio MVP

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