problem with InputBox



I'm trying to use InputBox, and I keep getting this error message: "compile
error: wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment". I've
written it as simply as "Dim testValue As String", and then "testValue =
InputBox("Enter a value.")" I've even copied and pasted InputBox examples,
and I get the same message. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.

Peter Jamieson

Sounds unlikely, but do you have any open documents or templates which have
defined their own InputBox function, e.g. with no parameters?

Peter Jamieson


Thanks for the response. I'm pretty sure I don't have any documents or
templates with an InputBox function defined, unless I somehow did that by
accident. Do you know how I could find that out?

Peter Jamieson

Do you know how I could find that out?

it would only be in a template or document that was loaded, so unless you
have large numbers of macros it should be reasonably easy to look through.

Peter Jamieson


From your last post, I got that I just needed to look for any macros that
might have the InputBox function in them. Lo and behold, I found some
unsuccessful (and clueless) attempts to use that function from a year or so
ago. I deleted them, and it works just fine now. Thank you so much. I have a
macro that I need to run repeatedly, manually changing a particular variable
each time. This makes it a lot quicker and easier. Thanks again.

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