Problem with inserting pictures as objects



I am working on a family history book and discovered if I insert a picture as
an object, it was much clearer. I know this makes for a larger file size, but
I've already learned how to reduce it, and it's been working great. My
problem is, since I installed the trial version of Paint Shop Pro X, when I
insert a picture as an object, the only thing that shows up is a gray box
with the file name in it. How can I resolve this? I'm using Windows XP and
Word 2002. Thanks.


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?TGVBbm5l?=,
I am working on a family history book and discovered if I insert a picture as
an object, it was much clearer. I know this makes for a larger file size, but
I've already learned how to reduce it, and it's been working great. My
problem is, since I installed the trial version of Paint Shop Pro X, when I
insert a picture as an object, the only thing that shows up is a gray box
with the file name in it. How can I resolve this? I'm using Windows XP and
Word 2002.
When you insert a picture as an object, you're inserting an OLE object. This
means the picture is associated with, and displayed by, an application other
than Word (the "OLE Server"). Apparently, by installing Paint Shop Pro, the
graphics file type (jpg?) has now been associated with PSP as the OLE Server
rather than the other application (no idea which one it might have been).

You'd need to re-associate the file type with that application, if you can
figure out which one was linked to it before.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


I'm assuming by associating the file, you mean to choose another program
under "Opens With" in the Properties, which I did. I looked to see what
program other pictures were associated with that were working, which was Dell
Image Expert, and I changed this picture to that, and it still didn't work.
Am I doing something wrong?


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?TGVBbm5l?=,
I'm assuming by associating the file, you mean to choose another program
under "Opens With" in the Properties, which I did. I looked to see what
program other pictures were associated with that were working, which was Dell
Image Expert, and I changed this picture to that, and it still didn't work.
Am I doing something wrong?
Not that I can tell, except that this may still not be the right program.

But from your description, I'm uncertain about a few of the details

1. What is the file type you're working with

2. Is this happening only with new pictures you're inserting, but existing ones
of the same file type are fine? In that case, try uninstalling PSP. If the
problem then goes away, contact the manufacturer (I believe it's just been sold
to Corel) and ask them what gives.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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