Lois Morrett
One of our business units has a linked document that when you open it says
this document conatins links that may refer to other files. Do you want to
update this document with the data from the linked filest....you reply "yes"
or "no" and when you close the document it asks if you want to save the
changes and you reply "no" and the modified date changes on the document.
This also happens in 2000 and whether I am on a network share or a local
Is there a way to fix this problem because the business unit wants to know
when the document is actually being changed and not just accessed .....
this document conatins links that may refer to other files. Do you want to
update this document with the data from the linked filest....you reply "yes"
or "no" and when you close the document it asks if you want to save the
changes and you reply "no" and the modified date changes on the document.
This also happens in 2000 and whether I am on a network share or a local
Is there a way to fix this problem because the business unit wants to know
when the document is actually being changed and not just accessed .....