Problem with Loading a data base



I open a certain database and all that opens is Access 2000
nothing else the database dosn't open, there is no error
messages and I can open all the other databases but not
this one, any Ideas.

Norman Yuan

Is this database (*.mdb) is a newly created database without anything
(table, form, or report...) created in it yet?

If you are sure there are tables/ the database and nothing shows
after Access starts, not even Database window, then it might be the Startup
setting is chnaged by someone. Try start access by double-clicking the *.mdb
file name while holding "Shift" key down. After the databse is opened and
database window shows, go to menu "Tools->Start up..." to reset startup
option for this database.


Thanks But I've already tryed that.
I've also tried the F11 key and nothing
the database has Linked tables the data and the forms are
kept in two different databases we can't open the one
with the linked tables with the forms when I go to open
it, its as if the request is ignored and it only opens MS
Access. Any Ideas would be helpful.

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