Problem with Lookup function



I am settign up soem large tables and am using the Lookup function to
read to values in the table. I am gettign some incorrect values.

For example, when the lookup value is MA10 I am getting the table
value listed for MA1.

How can I fix this?

thank you kindly!

Gord Dibben

Have you checked out what Excel Help says on the Lookup functions?

Specifically about what occurs when no exact match is found?

Is the list sorted?

Have you used the FALSE argument?

Is MA10 value in the list?

What do MA1 and MA10 represent?

Are they text entries?

Post your formula.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Have you checked out what Excel Help says on the Lookup functions?

Specifically about what occurs when no exact match is found?

Is the list sorted?

Have you used the FALSE argument?

Is MA10 value in the list?

What do MA1 and MA10 represent?

Are they text entries?

Post your formula.

Gord Dibben     MS Excel MVP

Sorting the table fixed the problem.

Thank you kindly!

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