Problem with Mailmerge - OpenDataSource - Connection



I'm trying to create a mailmerge document from within access 2007, the
problem is that each time the function is fired the function ask for the
table to be selected whilst the name of the table is hardcoded in the
function, this is really most strange.

Below is the function:

Dim WordApp As New Word.Application
Dim inDoc As String
Dim outDoc As String
Dim strSubject, strRecip, strMsg As String
Dim strAttachment As String
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim accrcv As Recordset

inDoc = "Q:\DOCS\Outstanding Bill - First ReminderPK.docx"
outDoc = "C:\temp\outstandingbillpk.docx"
WordApp.Visible = True
WordApp.Documents.Open (inDoc)

With WordApp.ActiveDocument.Mailmerge
..MainDocumentType = wdFormLetters
..OpenDataSource Name:=CurrentDb.Name, Connection:="Table 1streminder"
..Destination = wdSendToNewDocument
..SuppressBlankLines = True
End With

WordApp.Documents(1).SaveAs outDoc
WordApp.Documents(2).Close False
Set WordApp = Nothing

Does anyone knows why I'm getting the window where one needs to select the
name of the table??? Many thanks....

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