Problem with Office 2004 apps. Read inside please.



Ever since I installed Adobe Acrobat 7, Word, Excel and PowerPoint
won´t launch. All I get is an Error reporting window.
Does this have to do with the PDF templates?
I desperate need them to run.



Tim Murray

The folders were empty. No PDF maker files for any of the 3 apps..
Any other options...
I already have unistalled and reinstalled Office. Even updated to 11.1.1
Still no go.

When you uninstalled, did you use the MSoft uninstaller?

JE McGimpsey

Yes, I did..

First - when you quote a thread in which the replies are posted at the
bottom, it's good netiquette to continue your reply on the bottom.

Since the problem started when you installed Acrobat, I'd guess that you
have a bad font. Try using the Font Book app to disable the non-Apple
fonts and see if the problem goes away.


I have been using Thoth for years now.. That is the way it replies to
messages. I am using Font Agent Pro and it seems that Office couldn´t
find its own fonts.. they were not in /Users/Library/Fonts.. so I moved
the fonts back to its default location and Word worked fine.



JE McGimpsey

I have been using Thoth for years now.. That is the way it replies to

I also used Thoth for a long while. It doesn't prevent one from
bottom-posting if the thread is already being bottom-posted - you simply
need to click at the bottom of the message. Not a big deal, just a
courtesy to those trying to read and respond to your posts...

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