Problem with Office table stream




I'm working on a malware detection project. It seems the recent document
vulnerabilities are in the MS Office table stream (1Table and 0Table), but
the data format is too complex to understand. I understand the OLE2
structure, but don't know the details in the 1Table stream. Is there any
documentation that I can learn about this data format? or is this the right
place for this question?
Thank you very much.


Tony Jollans

This isn't really the right place to ask this question - it has nothing to
do with Tables in Documents. Perhaps - but that's a very low
activity group.

I don't have a real answer for you, but Microsoft do make some documentation
available in a rather roundabout way (and have promised to make it more
easily available shortly). See
(the last section of the page) . I know nothing about malware or the
document vulnerabilities you mention and I haven't seen the Microsoft
documentation so I have no idea whether it will help.

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