Problem with OWC11 cells alignment from C#




I'm not sure if it's the proper forum to ask that but I haven't see
any more suitable.

I'm trying to use the Office 2003 Web Components into a C# applicatio
to display a simple report in a form. I added the COM spreadshee
object to the project an included it in a test form. Then I'm trying t
display the report in the spreadsheet.

The problem I currently have is, I've found no way to set th
horizontal alignment of a cell. When trying to use th
HorizontalAlignment property of the SpreadSheet.ActiveCell
SpreadSheet.Selection or Range objects, the compiler says me:
"D:\desarrollo\C#\Gespubli\Formularios\TestForm.cs(46): The languag
doesn't admit the property, the indexer or the even
'HorizontalAlignment'; try to call directly the methods with acces
descriptor 'OWC11._Range.get_HorizontalAlignment()'

The problem is, this methods doesn't exist... so I can't use them!

I have similar problems with cell colors, font properties, etc.

Can anybody give me a hint?

Here's the code:


// Get first worksheet
OWC11.Worksheetws = (OWC11.Worksheet)axSpreadsheet1.Worksheets[1];
// Set worksheet name
ws.Name = "Reportes";
// Get some cells from the first line
range = (OWC11.Range)ws.get_Range("A1","E1");
// Merge the cells
range.Merge(ref btmp);
// Select the merged cell
// Set the cell text
// Until here all works ok. But that doesn't work:
axSpreadsheet1.ActiveCell.HorizontalAlignment = OWC11.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter;

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