Problem with Page Titles



All of a sudden, all of my pages when viewed in the broswer are named the
same at the top, yet are titled properly in the folder mode.


Stefan B Rusynko

See response to your duplicate post


SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;

| All of a sudden, all of my pages when viewed in the broswer are named the
| same at the top, yet are titled properly in the folder mode.
| Help?


All of a sudden, all of my pages when viewed in the broswer are named the
same at the top, yet are titled properly in the folder mode.


You deleted the "Page Banner" feature and replaced it with straight
text. This may have occured when you tried to edit the Banner text by
highlighting it and over typing. You need to right-click and select
Page Banner Properties from the context menu, and then edit the text
in the diaolg box.

Bob Weiss

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