problem with pasting and resizing shapes



I use Word in MSOffice 97 Professional Edition. I need
to make certain-sized squares in certain places. I did
this without any problem last summer with Windows 98 (I
think that was the edition) by clicking and dragging.
Now that my husband installed Windows XP, I can't do it.
When I click and drag to form a small square (about an
inch), it makes a huge one and won't resize when I try to
drag it by a handle. Also, when I try to move (or copy
and paste) previously-made squares from a saved document
(from last summer), it pastes them in completely
different places than where I want them and won't let me
move them where I want them. I have checked the help
topics, which tell how to click and drag, which I know
how to do and have already tried. I am totally
frustrated. Please help!!!

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Cathy,

Check in the Drawing toolbar the [draw]=>Grid setting
to see if you're using 'snap to grid', (try overriding
by holding the alt key when dragging to resize) and
check the setting in Tools=>Options=>Edit for drag and
drop text editing.

Is the graphic inline with text (black handles) or floating
(white handles) when selected? Try changing the float setting
in Edit=>Paste Special to see if that helps.

======I use Word in MSOffice 97 Professional Edition. I need
to make certain-sized squares in certain places. I did
this without any problem last summer with Windows 98 (I
think that was the edition) by clicking and dragging.
Now that my husband installed Windows XP, I can't do it.
When I click and drag to form a small square (about an
inch), it makes a huge one and won't resize when I try to
drag it by a handle. Also, when I try to move (or copy
and paste) previously-made squares from a saved document
(from last summer), it pastes them in completely
different places than where I want them and won't let me
move them where I want them. I have checked the help
topics, which tell how to click and drag, which I know
how to do and have already tried. I am totally
frustrated. Please help!!! <<
I hope this helps you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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