Problem with pen mode


Tom M.

I have a thinkpad tablet pc (X41). Whenever I write anything with the
stylus, it always assumes drawing mode. On my Fujitsu tablet, there is an
option in the tools menu, called pen mode. My thinkpad tablet does not have
that option. When I installed onenote, I was in the notebook mode, so I
reinstalled one while in the tablet mode (you can swivel the screen on the
X41). It still does not seem to think it is a tablet PC. I am using Windows
XP Professional Tablet PC 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Build 2600 on both
machines. Additionally, in the Onenote options for handwriting (X41) has
only two choices, while the Fujitsu has 5 choices. Apparently, the install
doesn't seem to think the thinkpad is a tablet PC. I have a TIP, I have all
other tablet PC capabilities. Any ideas?

Chris H.

Hmmm. Sounds strange, Tom. I know folks with the X41 who aren't having any
issues. Would you check in Control Panel/Regional and Language
Options/Languages tab and select the Details... button. Once you're on the
Settings tab, make sure your Default input language and the top entry in the
Installed services match, i.e., both English (United States) for instance.

In the Installed services section, listed under Advanced Text Services, you
should have these four entries (if you've got Office 2003 installed - only
three if not):
- Ink Correction
- Tablet PC Correction
- Tablet PC Correction for Windows Journal
- Tablet PC Text Insertion

If those are not present (remember, only three if you don't have Office 2003
installed), use the Add... button.

If those are okay, go to the Text Services and Input Languages Advanced tab,
and check that you have a check mark in Extend support of advanced text
services to all programs, and NO check mark in Turn off advanced text

If you make any changes in these areas, restart the system for them to take
affect. If all is fine in the areas above, in OneNote go to Help, then
select Detect and Repair... to see if you can kick-start it.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Tom M.

The X41, under Adv Text Svcs, it has all four options plus 3 others (Drawing
Pad, Write Anywhere, and Writing Pad). Checking the Fujitsu tablet PC, it
only has the four you mentioned. And checking my non-tablet home computer,
it has the addtional three under Handwriting Recognition, and under Adv Text
Svcs, only Ink Correction.

My thinking now is that I ought to remove the additional 3 options from the
X41, maybe reinstall office 2003 and onenote and see if that works ... any

Tom M.

Chris H.

Sorry, Tom, doing Christmas Eve stuff here. I'm not sure (don't have an
X41) but have you even attached a writing/drawing pad to the X41? Write
Anywhere was a version 1 Tablet PC Edition program. This machine does have
Windows XP Pro and the Tablet PC Edition 2005 on it, correct?
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Tom M.

I appreciate the help, we just finished a Christmas eve tradition ourselves.
The tablet is brand new. It has not had anything attached to it other than
the docking station (X4), a Maxtor harddrive, and a Dell monitor. I think
our computer setup personnel also attached something to do a disk image, but
that's it.

I removed the extra 3 options and now it looks like the Fujitsu. I
uninstalled office and onenote and then reinstalled, still the same problem.
Is there something in the registry that tells onenote that it is a tablet?
I've been searching for something different. I even tried adding some
onenote registry items that the Fujitsu had but the tablet didn't, but that
didn't work either.

I work as a researcher for a fairly large think tank and was planning on
giving a demo of the value of a tablet PC in an open session. At this point,
one of the main advantages of the tablet -- searching on your own handwriting
disappears. I can change the text from drawing to handwriting by manually
selecting all the text and converting, but I know that will not be an
interesting option to my fellow researchers. I appreciate any ideas ...

Chris H.

I'm really out of fresh ideas, Tom. Where did the OneNote program originate
that you're installing? Is it the OEM version which came with the X41? I'm
almost thinking they gave you the wrong CD, if that's the case. You said
previously, I believe that you've also got it on another Tablet? Is that
also an OEM version? If so, it probably wouldn't install on the X41, but
might be worth a try. You are allowed, with the retail version (not OEM) to
install on a desktop and a portable computer with the same product ID.
Also, have you activated the installation?
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Tom M.

My version of Office 2003 and Onenote 2003 are volume licensed. I used the
same version to load on both tablets. The X41 says the software is
activated. In my first e-mail I listed the version number of the OS and I
think that is the most up-to-date. Everything works fine except the lack of
the menu items in onenote. I have a TIP (though it is a little large when
docked). I can do everything except handwriting in onenote, I have to
convert it. Next week, I will try to contact some people at Lenovo to see if
they have any idea. Thanks for trying ...

Tom M.

Apparently, the installers did not install XP tablet PC correctly. All the
version numbers check out, but while trying to install improved ink
recogntion, I got an error that says it can only be installed on a Windows XP
Tablet PC machine. Is it possible to reinstall the tablet portion of the
o/s. I have the serial number from the bottom of the machine -- or will that
cause other major headaches?

Chris H.

I would contact Lenovo, Tom. They could probably verify from the recovery
media you have (do you?) or ship you the correct image disks. Rather a
weird goof-up, but it sounds like it was imaged with the wrong version.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

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