problem with .../PWA/Tasks.aspx



i modified the Tasks.aspx page in PWA.
I changed the display of Work on Hour (it was on Day)
After that, i have a lot of a problem with Task.aspx. Team membre can't see
their assignements and a ERROR Message appear every time when a TM has at
leat one assignement!!
do you have an idea how i can resolve the problem!
MSPS 2007

Jonathan Sofer

Have you verified that it isn't due to the following known bug?

The cause could be due to known bug in MSPS 2007 - My Tasks.
Cause: When a second resource is being assigned to a task that has a Work %
Completed > 0.
Behaviour: The second resource will be presented the unexpected error.
Solution: See posting below for a workaround:

Another blog talks about this as well:!1EB5037F50572440!819.entry?wa=wsignin1.0

Hope this helps,



I verified and there is no resource assigned to a task with a work %
completed >0!!!
I think that a trouble come from PWA and Tasks.aspx... since I modified a
Web part options on Tasks.aspx!!!!
very strange


i modified the Tasks.aspx page in PWA.
I changed the display of Work on Hour (it was on Day)
After that, i have a lot of a problem with Task.aspx. Team membre can't see
their assignements and a ERROR Message appear every time when a TM has at
leat one assignement!!
do you have an idea how i can resolve the problem!
MSPS 2007

Sorry it is a known error. We have been struggeling with his since we
migrated ultimo dec 2007. We have just been testing af a hotfix which
is probably out by now and it looks promising.
You should look for these problems ind you projects
1. Standard resources with work=0
2. Ordinary resources with work= 0
3. NEGATIVE Work or remaining work (Yes, it does happen!!!!)
4.AVOID adding a new resource to an existing task. It get really bad
if actual work has been registrated.

I do not believe that it has nything to do with youe modification...
It is an error.

In this group you can fidn different SQL script that look for point no
4 in te above mentioned list


I'm sure that there's no link with waht you are talking about...
if I click on PWA/Mywork.aspx, I can see all assignements, and i can too
update tasks
the problem is with the PWA pages and not with the plan on ms project 2007,
because I saw the probleme just after i modified the options of Project Web
access on the SharePoint....
Did you see the same problem before!

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