Mike S
I am assisting someone else with this issue, and I am stumped. My co-worker
just got a laptop (I am unsure of the brand or model) and is having problems
with the resolution on Visio drawings. When she opens Visio drawings,
diagonal lines are jagged, and text appears to run together. Tried zooming in
and the problems look the same only bigger. Tried creating new drawings of
various types, all with same result, and tried creating drawings on other
systems and opening them on hers, and they appear the same way. The drawings
print perfectly. Tried changing the system resolution, but either higher or
lower resolution on the monitor does not seem to make any difference. Have
not tried hooking the laptop to a CRT monitor, that is likely my next step.
Someone remote controlling her computer will see the same problems as my
co-worker does when she looks at it directly. Some online searching seems to
show some others reporting the same issue when moving to a laptop, but no one
noted how or if it was resolved.
I am stumped, and would appreciate any suggestions, advice, or similar
problems and what was done.
just got a laptop (I am unsure of the brand or model) and is having problems
with the resolution on Visio drawings. When she opens Visio drawings,
diagonal lines are jagged, and text appears to run together. Tried zooming in
and the problems look the same only bigger. Tried creating new drawings of
various types, all with same result, and tried creating drawings on other
systems and opening them on hers, and they appear the same way. The drawings
print perfectly. Tried changing the system resolution, but either higher or
lower resolution on the monitor does not seem to make any difference. Have
not tried hooking the laptop to a CRT monitor, that is likely my next step.
Someone remote controlling her computer will see the same problems as my
co-worker does when she looks at it directly. Some online searching seems to
show some others reporting the same issue when moving to a laptop, but no one
noted how or if it was resolved.
I am stumped, and would appreciate any suggestions, advice, or similar
problems and what was done.