I have a projects database that automatically assigns project numbers based
on project prefix name + current date + ID Number (consecutive for that day).
A field concanates all three into one ID (Project ID) which is automatically
assigned when a new record is created via a form. The project prefix name
is selected from a dropdown box, which is the first field inthe form. The
Project ID field is then automatically created. For example if I selected
"ABC123" as the prefix and two "ABC123" records already existed for today,
the ID would automatically be ABC12310240603.
The problem is when two users open the front end DB form and select the same
prefix, they are assigned the same automatic ID since that ID number has not
been saved yet.
I need a way to prevent duplicates in the project table. Since one user
will be saving or moving to a new record before the other, is there a way to
prompt the other user when they save/go to a new record that this ID is a
duplicate and the next consecutive/available ID will be assigned?
Any other ideas?
I am not a true developer so please if you have an idea explain it to me as
detailed as possible.
Thanks in advance!!
on project prefix name + current date + ID Number (consecutive for that day).
A field concanates all three into one ID (Project ID) which is automatically
assigned when a new record is created via a form. The project prefix name
is selected from a dropdown box, which is the first field inthe form. The
Project ID field is then automatically created. For example if I selected
"ABC123" as the prefix and two "ABC123" records already existed for today,
the ID would automatically be ABC12310240603.
The problem is when two users open the front end DB form and select the same
prefix, they are assigned the same automatic ID since that ID number has not
been saved yet.
I need a way to prevent duplicates in the project table. Since one user
will be saving or moving to a new record before the other, is there a way to
prompt the other user when they save/go to a new record that this ID is a
duplicate and the next consecutive/available ID will be assigned?
Any other ideas?
I am not a true developer so please if you have an idea explain it to me as
detailed as possible.
Thanks in advance!!