I am working in an app in Access/VBA, which has to create an Excel
So I try to create the Excel file and write in it from Access.
I already created the report, and added to it 5 Text Boxes with the
following code (wsh being a sheet of my Excel report) :
wsh.Shapes.AddReportBox ....(some parameters go here)
and that works prefectly.
The problem now is that I neeed to write bold text in these textbox,
and I cannot find a way to do that from the Access VBA program.
Can somebody help me at this point ?
Thank you for any help !
"Ponce Pilate n'avait pas le sens de l'économie. On aurait pu très bien
en effet crucifier les gens à cinquante centimètres du sol. Ce qui
aurait été aussi efficace qu'à quatre mètres et aurait permis de ne pas
gaspiller du bois."
(Jean Yanne / 1933-2003 / Je suis un être exquis)
I am working in an app in Access/VBA, which has to create an Excel
So I try to create the Excel file and write in it from Access.
I already created the report, and added to it 5 Text Boxes with the
following code (wsh being a sheet of my Excel report) :
wsh.Shapes.AddReportBox ....(some parameters go here)
and that works prefectly.
The problem now is that I neeed to write bold text in these textbox,
and I cannot find a way to do that from the Access VBA program.
Can somebody help me at this point ?
Thank you for any help !
"Ponce Pilate n'avait pas le sens de l'économie. On aurait pu très bien
en effet crucifier les gens à cinquante centimètres du sol. Ce qui
aurait été aussi efficace qu'à quatre mètres et aurait permis de ne pas
gaspiller du bois."
(Jean Yanne / 1933-2003 / Je suis un être exquis)