Hello Everyone,
I used the Import external data function to bring a single table from my
MSSQL database into a spreadsheet as a tab of the sheet. When I open the
workbook by clicking on it or by going to it in the list of recent files
everything opens correctly. A pop up window asks me if I want to update the
data or not. Clicking yes populates the tab with the table and clicking no
leaves the tab blank.
Now then, I am using VB to open the spreadsheet from another program. I have
placed a button on the form in that sheet. The workbook must be opened as an
object. When I open from there I am not asked if I want to update the way
that I am asked by opening otherwise. Below is the code that open the
workbook from our MRP program.
Private Function OpenQUOTEWorksheet() As Boolean
On Error GoTo OpenQWSError
If loadFileName = "" Then
loadFileName = GetFileOfType("Excel", "xls")
End If
If loadFileName <> "" Then
If oExcel Is Nothing Then
Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oExcel = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
End If
Set oBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(loadFileName)
Set oSheet = oBook.Worksheets(sheetName)
oExcel.Visible = True
OpenQUOTEWorksheet = True
MsgBox "No Quote Worksheet Selected."
OpenQUOTEWorksheet = False
End If
Exit Function
MsgBox ("Error: " & Err.Number & "- " & Err.Description & ". Worksheet not
OpenQUOTEWorksheet = False
End Function
Now, I have to open the workbook this way. It is due to the way that the MRP
program is running. Therefore, I need the workbook to refresh the connection
after it is open. How would any of you go about making this happen?
I was thinking of adding a VB command into the ThisWorkBook portion to cause
it to go out when the sheet is opened.
Oh yeah, I also had a combo box that populated with a list when the book
opened. The population was written into a module. Opening this way caused
that to not work either. I fixed it by placing the code into the ThisWorkBook
section as a Private Sub Workbook_Open(). That is why I was thinking that
pointing a query at the table from here might be the solution.
So what is the best way to write the query into a Private Sub Workbook_Open()?
Thanks for any help,
I used the Import external data function to bring a single table from my
MSSQL database into a spreadsheet as a tab of the sheet. When I open the
workbook by clicking on it or by going to it in the list of recent files
everything opens correctly. A pop up window asks me if I want to update the
data or not. Clicking yes populates the tab with the table and clicking no
leaves the tab blank.
Now then, I am using VB to open the spreadsheet from another program. I have
placed a button on the form in that sheet. The workbook must be opened as an
object. When I open from there I am not asked if I want to update the way
that I am asked by opening otherwise. Below is the code that open the
workbook from our MRP program.
Private Function OpenQUOTEWorksheet() As Boolean
On Error GoTo OpenQWSError
If loadFileName = "" Then
loadFileName = GetFileOfType("Excel", "xls")
End If
If loadFileName <> "" Then
If oExcel Is Nothing Then
Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oExcel = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
End If
Set oBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(loadFileName)
Set oSheet = oBook.Worksheets(sheetName)
oExcel.Visible = True
OpenQUOTEWorksheet = True
MsgBox "No Quote Worksheet Selected."
OpenQUOTEWorksheet = False
End If
Exit Function
MsgBox ("Error: " & Err.Number & "- " & Err.Description & ". Worksheet not
OpenQUOTEWorksheet = False
End Function
Now, I have to open the workbook this way. It is due to the way that the MRP
program is running. Therefore, I need the workbook to refresh the connection
after it is open. How would any of you go about making this happen?
I was thinking of adding a VB command into the ThisWorkBook portion to cause
it to go out when the sheet is opened.
Oh yeah, I also had a combo box that populated with a list when the book
opened. The population was written into a module. Opening this way caused
that to not work either. I fixed it by placing the code into the ThisWorkBook
section as a Private Sub Workbook_Open(). That is why I was thinking that
pointing a query at the table from here might be the solution.
So what is the best way to write the query into a Private Sub Workbook_Open()?
Thanks for any help,