Problem with the Project owner in PWA



We are using MS Progect Server and utilizing the ProjectInitiation SDK. When
we open a project we select the owner/Project Manager as owner "A" The
Project initiation person selects the Save Button on the PI screen. Owner "A"
receives the EMAIl notification and opens The Project Initiation screen.
(Owner "A" is the PMO).

He then selects the appropriate Project Manager as the owner. Owner "B".
Then selects the Create button. The project gets created, the new Owner (B)
received the notification that he is the project manager. However, the
Project is still owned by Owner "A" in PWA Projects Page. If you edit the
project Owner A is displayed as the Owner. If I look at he MSP_Projects Table
the Project Manager is displayed as Owner "B". I am looking at

1) What field in what Table is PWA looking at on the Projects>edit> in
Project field Owner Value field?

2) What could the problem be. This is causing us to find the project under
the manager B name and change the Owner to "B".

Please help.

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