problem with Vlookup in macro



I need a Vlookup program for the general case where there may not be data in
the Vlookup lookup table - i.e. Vlookup returns the NA condition.

Normally I handle this in a worksheet function using the IsNA function.
However, I can't do the same think in a macro program - e.g. I get an error
with the following command when Vlookup returns the NA condition

test =
Application.WorksheetFunction.IsNA(Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(lookupvalue, lookuprange, 2, False))

I've also tried the programming error functions IsMissing and IsNull.

Dave Peterson

I like to use application.vlookup().

dim res as variant
res = application.vlookup(...)

if iserror(res) then
'not found
'it was found
end if

application.worksheetfunction.vlookup causes a trappable error.

dim res as variant
on error resume next
res = application.worksheetfunction.vlookup(....)
if err.number <> 0 then
'no match
'no error
end if

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