Problem with Watermarks in Word 2003 Table



I wonder if anyone can help please?

I've created documents containing a table in Word in portrait mode, and
by necessity, with quite a full page - 0.5cm margin top & bottom.

Once I apply a watermark to the page the bottom cell of the table
'drops' to a newly inserted sheet, thus making a 3 page doc a 4 pager,
and destroying the table appearance. This is irrespective of the font
size of the watermark etc.

Any ideas please why this is occurring and how I can get around it?

Stefan Blom

Press Ctrl+Shift+8 to display nonprinting marks. Format the paragraph mark
(¶) immediately below the table as line spacing 1 pt, and with zero spacing
before and after. That should help. If necessary, do the same with the blank
paragraphs in headers and footers.

See also

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message


Thanks for that - the only problem is that there isn't a paragraph mark
below or immediately below the table.
The bottom cell has dropped to a new page and the re is a page break,
nothiong else, below it on that page.


If I take the watermark off the page, then I can do as you suggest.

Formatting the para mark immediately below the table makes n
difference and once the w/m is applied - the bottom table cell ro

Taking the w/m off again, and doing the same with the header & foote
as suggested, then this immediately drops the cell row even befor
adding a w/m. This seems strange (header & footer), I would hav
thought it would have had the opposite effect


Thanks for that Beth, will see how it goes.
Try setting the Text Wrapping for the watermark to "Behind Text".

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email cannot be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

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