Problem with WP X3 and Vista and Outlook 2007


Keith B. Rosenberg

Hi! We have a peculiar problem here. We have Word Perfect X3 (all the latest
patches installed) running on two Vista machines which also have Outlook
2007 installed as part of the MS Office 2007 Regular. The MS software
and OS also have all their patches installed.

The problem is if Outlook is running WP X3 loads just fine. But if you
attempt to open or close a document Word Perfect crashes. Not each
and every time but at least half of the time. Word Perfect X3 runs just
fine as long as Outlook 2007 is not running. You can get a crash to
happen every time if you attempt to load multiple documents
simultaneously. X3 will sometimes work if only one document is
open with Outlook running.. It does this on both machines so the
problem is likely universal.

When running on Windows XP Pro this did not happen so it seems
to be associated with Vista.

I put a question into Corel's tech support, but the the suggestions they
gave strongly suggests that they do not know what the answer is.

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