Problem with XLStart




I am having a strange problem with one of my users. We use a personal
workbook in my company and by default it's stored in:
C:\Documents and Settings\%Username%\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART

I have one of our users where Excel stopped opening the workbook. If I
cut/paste the workbook into C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\OFFICE11\XLSTART it opens without any problems.
I then checked the disabled items and I could see the workbook, I then
enabled it again but it's still the same. If stored under the user profile it
doesn't work but if it's stored under Program Files it works.


Jon Peltier

So if a user writes their own macro and stores it in the personal macro
workbook, your file overwrites it? It would be better to distribute as an

- Jon


Hi Jon and thanks for the reply.

Nobody in the company creates their own macros, but that's not the issue
here. The problem is why don't Excel use the Person.xls when it's stored in
"C:\Documents and Settings\....." but when it's stored in "C:\Program

Jon Peltier

I knew your issue was different, and I'm not familiar enough with the
intricacies to understand the answer. I was editorializing. At a former
employer, the IT department had the XLSTART directory cleaned out on every
reboot of Windows. This was a terrible policy.

- Jon

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