Hard to say what is relevent but I think this the section of code that list
box is used I'll post it:
Private Sub cmdDiv1ARanking_Click()
' Loop Seasons
SeasonCounter = 0
mySeasonNum = Me.txtSeason.Value - 1
mySeasonNum = mySeasonNum + 1
txtSeason.Value = mySeasonNum
lblYear.Caption = mySeasonNum
txtEstCompletion.Visible = True
'Start timer
txtTimeStart.Value = Now
Loops = txtLoops.Value
EndSeason = txtEndSeason.Value
BeginSeason = txtSeason.Value
Week = ListWeek.Value
txtTimeFinished.Value = Now
txtTotalTime.Value = txtTimeFinished.Value - txtTimeStart.Value
Text_LoopNo.Value = "Starting"
counter = 0
' strSql = "DELETE * FROM [Filter Parameters]"
'CurrentDb.Execute strSql, dbFailOnError
'BEGIN MAKE QUERY "Scores-Win Loss"
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Set db = CurrentDb()
' Load querydef if it exists; create it if it doesn't.
'On Error Resume Next ' disable error-handling
Set qdf = db.QueryDefs("Scores-Win Loss")
'On Error GoTo Err_Handler ' establish error-handling
If qdf Is Nothing Then
Set qdf = db.CreateQueryDef("Scores-Win Loss")
End If
' Set the query's SQL
qdf.SQL = "SELECT Scores.ID, Scores.Date, Scores.Season, [Scores].[Season]+1
AS [Season-1], Scores.Visitor, Scores.[Visitor Score], Scores.Home,
Scores.[Home Score], " & _
"Scores.Margin, Scores.Nuetral, Scores.Location, Scores.Location2,
Scores.Line, IIf(Scores!Margin=0,0,((Scores!Margin)/(Abs(Scores!Margin)))) AS
[Win-Loss], " & _
"1+(([Home Score]+10)/([Home Score]+[Visitor Score]+20)) AS [Percent
IIf(Abs([Margin])=0,0,(Log(Abs([Margin])))*([Margin]/(Abs([Margin])))) AS
[Adj Log Margin], " & _
"IIf(Scores!Nuetral=0,Scores!Margin-Coefficients![Home Field Adv
Margin],Scores!Margin) AS [Adjusted Margin], IIf(Scores!Nuetral=0, " & _
"[Win-Loss]-Coefficients![Home Field AdvWin-Loss],[Win-Loss]) AS [Adjusted
Margin Win-Loss], [Scores]![Date] &
IIf(RTrim([Scores]![Home])<RTrim([Scores]![Visitor])," & _
"RTrim([Scores]![Home]) &
RTrim([Scores]![Visitor]),RTrim([Scores]![Visitor]) & RTrim([Scores]![Home]))
AS Game, " & _
& RTrim([Scores]![Visitor]),RTrim([Scores]![Visitor]) &
RTrim([Scores]![Home])) AS Series, " & _
"Format([Scores].[Date],'ww') AS Week, +[Season] & [Home] AS SeasonHome,
+[Season] & [Visitor] AS SeasonVisitor " & _
"FROM Coefficients, Scores " & _
"WHERE (((Scores.Season)= " & Me.txtSeason.Value & "))AND
(((Format([Scores].[Date],'ww'))<= " & Me.ListWeek.Value & "));"
David McKnight
Jeanette Cunningham said:
It sounds like the selected value is not being passed to the loops code.
If you post all the relevant parts of the code, we can help further.
Jeanette Cunningham MS Access MVP -- Melbourne Victoria Australia
David McKnight said:
Right. But problem is that I DO select and different value than the
value, but the code still uses the default value as if the selection is
being refreshed.
David McKnight
Jeanette Cunningham said:
Sorry David, I'm not quite understanding what you are trying to do.
If you use Me.ListLoops.Value - you get the value for the currently
selected item of the listbox. Is this what you want? If no item is
by the user, you will most likely get the value corresponding to the
item on the list.
Find the value for loops like this-->
Loops = Me.ListLoops
Debug.Print Loops
Jeanette Cunningham MS Access MVP -- Melbourne Victoria Australia
I'm using it as input to determine number of times a loop query will
I've tried several ways, ie"
Loops= me.ListLoops.Value
Loop Until myNum = Loops
Loop Until myNum = me.ListLoops.Value
But all it uses is the default value. I use a textbox on the same form
get values for other parts of code and that works fine - it's just the
listbox(es) values that don't seem to update.
David McKnight
Hi David,
how are you getting the value from the listbox?
Are you using some code a bit like this code below:
If Len(Me.ListLoops & vbNullString) >0 Then
Me.TheTextBox = Me.ListLoops
End If
Jeanette Cunningham MS Access MVP -- Melbourne Victoria Australia
I have a forms code that I want to use a value in a list box but it
seem to refresh when I run the code.
List box [ListLoops] use row source from a table [Loops] bound to
column. Values are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16..etc
Default value is set at 2048 and this is the only when the code
a change the default value exit and save form and restart then it
the new default value no matter what I change it to in the drop down