Problem: Word Index Updates Delete all Bookmarks


Blackie Colama

We have a document for our government agency that contains extensive
bookmarks which are also indexed with page numbers. Every year, when this
gets updated, the index updates fine with new page numbers, however, the
bookmarks then get deleted. Both are needed to satisfy all customers online,
but this creates a 3-day work event for one employee because she has to
totally re-create all bookmarks throughout all policies. Please include a
feature (or advise as to existing fix on this) that does NOT delete bookmarks
when indexes are updated.

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Suzanne S. Barnhill

There's no general reason why updating the index should delete bookmarks.
Where are these bookmarks placed, and what is their purpose?

Blackie Colama said:
We have a document for our government agency that contains extensive
bookmarks which are also indexed with page numbers. Every year, when this
gets updated, the index updates fine with new page numbers, however, the
bookmarks then get deleted. Both are needed to satisfy all customers online,
but this creates a 3-day work event for one employee because she has to
totally re-create all bookmarks throughout all policies. Please include a
feature (or advise as to existing fix on this) that does NOT delete bookmarks
when indexes are updated.

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.

Blackie Colama

These county-wide policies and procedures are indexed with page numbers for
the management who prefer to print out and not use the computer to navigate
around; this person also has to satisfy those who use the resource online and
has to accommodate bookmarks for every entry. This index has approximately
1000 entries which have to be re-bookmarked every time the index gets updated.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

So are you saying that the index is hyperlinked to the bookmarks? That's a
different issue, and yes, when you update the INDEX field, those hyperlinks
will be destroyed. I don't know any way around that. A TOC on the other
hand, has hyperlinks built in.

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