Problem-word margins are set correctly, but when printing documen.



Using office xp 2003 on win xp pro PC. Everything works, but quite often a
document that prints fine will fail to print correctly. When this happens
print dialog box informs you that documents margins are set outside the
printable area, you can either fix or ignore. Selecting either option
results in a document that has about a 3' blank left margin with the rest of
the document being cut off on the right side (printed to edge, but missing
right ¼ of text). If you select the 'fix' option, it sets the bottom margin
to 2.67", leaving the top, left and right at .5" (but it still prints wrong).
I have a HP LaserJet 2100m. None of the other pc’s connected to printer
suffer this problem. I’ve tried every option changeable in the page set and
printer properties box to no avail – though occasionally selecting HP’s zoom
smart option will let document print, but only rarely.
If you open the 'corrupted' file on any other PC with word, it prints fine.
If you save the file and then reopen it on my pc it prints fine for a while,
then eventually the error noted herein occurs again, leaving the document
unprintable. Copy and pasting the documents text to a blank file carries the
problem to the new document. New documents usually don't have this problem,
but if you use them enough it will show. This has occurred since 1st had pc.
pc a dell 8300 1.5 years old; office xp has been updated a number of times
per all the recent/latest updates; win xp has just been updated to SP2. I've
also uninstall office xp and reinstalled. Run Norton system works, chkdisk at
startup. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the printer. - none of these fixed
the problem. Any suggestions? Could something be corrupted in the registry?

Also, I have a HP 500 plotter used to print AutoCAD files. It too has an
odd problem. If I open an AutoCAD file generated by someone else how say set
the page/sheet size to 24â€x36â€, when I open it, the page/sheet size changes
the next smaller size (in this case 18â€x24â€). If I change the page/sheet
size back to 24â€x36â€, and save the file, and some else opens it up, in their
page setup box the page/sheet will be 18â€x24â€. Uninstalling AutoCAD, the HP
plotter/drivers and reinstalling has not fixed this problem.
Could both problems be related? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks – MLA : )



This is a problem with some HP Laserjet drivers and Dell hardware.

If you are stuck with that driver (as you can be in an office environment
where you don't have rights to update some settings on your PC) then the only
way to get round it is to restart Word and try printing again. Bit of a pain,
but it does work.

If you can update your print driver then that should fix it.

When this problem started happening at my last workplace, Dell, HP and
Microsoft all said it was each other's fault and we got nowhere fixing the
problem. The net result was that the company switched to Lexmark printers
when their kit needed renewing.



I have a very similar problem. Has anyone found a
solution? email (e-mail address removed)
-----Original Message-----
Using office xp 2003 on win xp pro PC. Everything works, but quite often a
document that prints fine will fail to print correctly. When this happens
print dialog box informs you that documents margins are set outside the
printable area, you can either fix or ignore. Selecting either option
results in a document that has about a 3' blank left margin with the rest of
the document being cut off on the right side (printed to edge, but missing
right ¼ of text). If you select the 'fix' option, it sets the bottom margin
to 2.67", leaving the top, left and right at .5" (but it still prints wrong).
I have a HP LaserJet 2100m. None of the other pcâ?Ts connected to printer
suffer this problem. Iâ?Tve tried every option
changeable in the page set and
printer properties box to no avail â?" though
occasionally selecting HPâ?Ts zoom
smart option will let document print, but only rarely.
If you open the 'corrupted' file on any other PC with word, it prints fine.
If you save the file and then reopen it on my pc it prints fine for a while,
then eventually the error noted herein occurs again, leaving the document
unprintable. Copy and pasting the documents text to a blank file carries the
problem to the new document. New documents usually don't have this problem,
but if you use them enough it will show. This has occurred since 1st had pc.
pc a dell 8300 1.5 years old; office xp has been updated a number of times
per all the recent/latest updates; win xp has just been updated to SP2. I've
also uninstall office xp and reinstalled. Run Norton system works, chkdisk at
startup. Iâ?Tve uninstalled and reinstalled the
printer. - none of these fixed

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