In a macro i insert a file in another file. The target file has a
macro but has the same style as my source file, however, i lose all
the margins and espcialy with the arrays wich seem to loose their
anchors ...
Has anyone already encountered this kind of problems??
here is a copy of the code that does the insertion :
Selection.InsertFile chemin + nomFich
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=nomFich, _
Thanks for your help ...
In a macro i insert a file in another file. The target file has a
macro but has the same style as my source file, however, i lose all
the margins and espcialy with the arrays wich seem to loose their
anchors ...
Has anyone already encountered this kind of problems??
here is a copy of the code that does the insertion :
Selection.InsertFile chemin + nomFich
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=nomFich, _
Thanks for your help ...