Problems Accessing! PLEASE HELP, IT IS URGENT.



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)

This just happened today, and I don't know how or why.

I cannot access any of my Office components, Word or Excel or PowerPoint, nothing. Nor can I just click a document and have it pop up. And I repeat, it was working at least 3 hours ago. Everytime I try, it gives me this message:

The application Microsoft Word quit unexpectedly.
Mac OS X and other applications are not affected.
Click Relaunch to launch the application again. Click Report to see more details or send a report to Apple.

I've clicked every button, sent many reports, relaunched many times, and restarted my computer many times and NOTHING is working. I've been told by my college tech store to try to reinstall the whole program, but I don't have the disk (since it is at home) and I don't know how. My dad sent me the code so I'm wondering if I can reinstall it with just that. PLEASE PLEASE HELP. I have papers to write every week and tests with notes that are only on this computer. I neeeeeeeeed a solution.

Thank you thank you thank you.



Just wanted to copy what it is that it told me when I tried to access it:

Process: Microsoft Word [802]
Path: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Microsoft Word
Version: ??? (???)
Code Type: X86 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [100]

Date/Time: 2008-10-20 21:17:29.509 -0500
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.5.5 (9F33)
Report Version: 6

Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
Crashed Thread: 0

Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/MicrosoftComponentPlugin.framework/Versions/12/MicrosoftComponentPlugin
Referenced from: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Microsoft Word
Reason: image not found


Clive Huggan

Dear [whoever],

I can't help you as I don't have Office 2008 yet. But until someone comes
along to help, DON'T reinstall Office or Word. That will probably only make
things worse, because re-installation does not replace preference files and
that could well be where the problem is; but wait till someone expert comes
along. (That doesn't mean they *won't* end up recommending a re-install, but
if so they will provide specific instructions.)

PS: Don't panic! You'll get to your notes (I'm assuming you can see the
files in the Finder but just can't open them). Take deep breaths and go out
and buy a $10 memory stick (thumb drive) and back up those files from the
Finder. Only 3 things are certain in life: death, taxes and hard drive
failure. ;-)


Clive Huggan
Canberra, Australia
(My time zone is 5-11 hours different from the Americas and Europe, so my
follow-on responses to those regions can be delayed)

John McGhie

Someone or something has been fiddling with your software.

One of the software components of Word is missing or damaged.

You will now need to run a utility to remove all of the Microsoft Office

1) From your Office CD, locate and run the Remove Office application.

2) Now re-install the Office suite.

3) Now: Download the 12.1.0 and 12.1.3 patches and run them, in sequence.

4) Now Repair Permissions.

5) Finally, restart your computer.

As Clive says: there's no point in panic -- it simply wastes energy. I
cannot tell from what you have sent, but it would appear that there's
nothing much wrong.

Yes, of course, there could be all manner of other files damaged: but the
steps I have given you will fix it all, whatever it is.

Hope this helps



Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac
Nhulunbuy, NT, Australia. mailto:[email protected]


I'm having the same problem. My office: mac 2008 home & student edition does not have an uninstall option. HELP!


Keeping in mind that reinstalling is a last-ditch approach you may consider
posting a detailed description of your specific situation. There may be an
alternative to the scorched earth policy. Post as a New message with
complete OS X & Office version info if you do - not as a Reply to this
thread. "Hijacking" a thread as it's called simply confuses the issue &
makes it harder for everyone concerned to follow.

If you're absolutely certain that a remove & install is necessary you'll
find the required Remove Office utility in one of two places:

MacHD\Applications\Microsoft Office 2008\Additional Tools\Remove Office

But it's possible that if other stuff has been moved/deleted & causing the
problem in the firs place that this is among the missing. In that case the
other place you'll find it is on the Office 2008 Installation DVD - from
which it *can't* be removed.

You might want to consult the guidelines here before you proceed:

The article hasn't been specifically updated for Office 2008 but the
procedure is pretty much the same as for 2004.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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