Problems Adding New Records



I am having a problem adding / editing a record in my forms / subforms for a
MS Access 2000 database. When you are adding or editing a record once you
are done you can not leave that record. It says "Calculating ...." in the
status bar. I cancel out of the form, get the message "Microsoft Access may
have encountered an error while trying to save a record." Followed by the
message "You can not save the record at this time." I go back into the form
and the changes were accepted.

I tried the standard solutions of "Compact and Repair" and creating a new
database then importing the objects from the original database. I have the
problem with this database on various computers (some Access 2000, some
Access 2003). I can open other databases from these computers and they work

My data attributes for my form are
Recordsource - built in recordsource, not a reference query
Allow Filters - Yes
Allow Edits - Yes
Allow Deletions - Yes
Allow Additions - Yes
Data Entry - No
Recordset Type - Dynaset
Record Locks - No Locks

My table relationships are set up correctly and any Master / child links are
set up correctly too.

I'm confused.

Jeff Boyce

Disregard the "cant do this with Access" message. It is SPAM (or worse).
Follow the link at your own peril...<g>


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

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